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Global Server still doesnt reply :\

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:12 pm

Global Server still doesnt reply :\

Hi all, my first post ;D
Looks like a great site with a great forum, keep it up people!!
Freelancers community is growing pretty fast, heh
Well, I really wanted to ask you this question:
Why the hell isnt the global server working for me?!?!?!?
Seriously, is it up or what? All i get is "Connecting to Global Server..."...
Really pissing me off...
The -s switch or fldirectip.hta dont work either :...Yes ive used them correctly (like: "E:\Games\FL\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -s4.65.241.222:2302)...
Just wont ping to any server, neither Lan nor Internet.
I tried playing with many settings and even reinstalled...
Also checked the "exe\Freelancer.ini" file, and noticed that the following lines:
;;;hostname = localhost ;Your local machine
;;;hostname = ;GUN server in Austin
;;;hostname = ;GUN server in Redmond
hostname = ;GUN server in Redmond (DNS entry)

port = 2300
may be wrong on my machine for some reason...

If not, maybe its the locked ports on my system? I have no firewall blockades, not sitting behind a proxy, nothing...
How do I open the required ports on my system?


My specs:
Windows 98 Second Edition
AMD Athlon XP 1600+ CPU
ASUS A7V266-E Mainboard
CREATIVE Sb Live! 5.1 Plat
MSI GeForce 3 Ti200
10\100 CNET PRO200 PCi Network Adapter
(..The other stuff means nothing here..)

Edited by - MushroomOfDoom on 10-03-2003 20:15:31

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:16 pm

Try reinstalling direct x 9.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:29 pm

thx for the quick reply, but unfortunately that didnt solve the problem
anything else you know of?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:32 pm

Did you reinstall it from the CD or from MicroSoft? I'd try the one from MS's site if you haven't yet.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:27 pm

the one i had already was from ms's site,
when u said i should reinst i did it from FL's cd.

does anyone else experience\experienced the problem?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:45 pm

bbah :[
reinstalled dx9 from ms site again now, nothing.. "ceonnecting to global server"... what can this be?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:15 pm

Dude....did you REALLY re-install DX9?

As soon as I did, BAM I connected.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:17 pm

yeah i did really reinstall directx9, from the cd, and from ms's site...

someone told me to try dling msie6.....
im an opera user currently..
never really used ie...

anyways- ill let u guys know if it affects anything.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 1:20 pm

installed msie6..
gives me the exact same crap it did before..

any technical fl gurus around? maybe its some crap on an ini i need to change..

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:02 pm

May want to call their Tech Support, sounds like the standard stuff has been tried.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:43 pm

Installing the Direct X 9 that was on the cd worked for me, The version from microsofts site did not work.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:22 pm

Ok, MS said open the 2300-2400 ports...
Contacted my ISP, they told me how to open the (already open..) ports...
That validates its not a locked port\proxy prob.

Too bad it still doesnt work..

WTF should I do?

Anyone on Win98SE here got MP working? Maybe its an unknown Win98SE issue ( bah ... :p I doubt it.. )

Thx again for the replies ppl. Keep'em up...

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:21 am

I am getting the same thing, cannot see any servers on lan while my other 2 friends can see their games and play on them. I also cannot connect to the global server. I can go on the internet fine and can access their computers through network places. I have tryed reinstalling removing/installing and reinstalling DX9 from FL CD and from microsofts website. we are all on windows XP and going through a linksys router. im thinking there is something on my computer that is causing the problem because the other 2 people can play just fine on similar computer setups. any help would be helpfull thanks for your time.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:30 am

It's simple. Those of you who were playing the pirated version for a week or two before the game came out.. how stupid were you? You advertised the fact that you were pirates,and now they have banned your IP's from the global server.

I think a bigtime "duh" is required here.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:01 am

i didnt download any pirated version or the demo of this game

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