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MP unable to connect to server

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:35 am

MP unable to connect to server

I cant connect to server. I can only play when i first install the game, after a day. It doesnt seem to work at all. It this f***en saying "connecting to server" and gets stuck there for hours. Does that mean i have to uninstal and install again and again to play this everday. And keep on starting new people and ****?

I have Win 2k with patches, GeForce 2 MX 400 64MB, Direct X 9.0, Soundblaster Live 5.1 Gamer, 512 DDR Ram, and AMD XP 1800+, DSL with HUB.

If anyone knows what my problem is and how to solve it, plz tell me

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:50 pm

same problem here only i can't even connect i have a Geforce 2 also

P4 1800 512 rd-ram win xp full updated very strange iam not the only who has the exact problems

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:19 pm

Some people have posted that reinstalling Direct X 9 has helped them.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:31 am

I formatted my computer and reinstall everything and it still cause the same problem over and over again

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