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Freelancer Server Bandwidth Pull?

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:08 am

Freelancer Server Bandwidth Pull?

How much bandwidth does the freelancer server pull on average per player in combat? Or in the most intesive point for bandwidth use.

We have a small lan and tried connecting 3 clients to a server and sniffed the port freelancer runs on. With two people in firefights the bandwidth usage jumpped to 20 KB / Sec. My question is how does this scale? How big of a pipe would you need if you were going to run a server to host say 30, 60, or 120 people?

If it does scale at around 10 KB /sec per client in a firefight then you would need a pretty big pipe to host a lot of clients. Argh. . . . Anyone else looked into this?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:03 pm

I' m hosting a server with 3 T1's linked and have nill to no bandwidth problems. The big problem comes in when you have 40+ peeps on the server and you can't process fast enough . and 20k isn't that much in broad band. A 10MB Lan can support (1500kb/6kb(per Connection)) = More than your computer can process fast enough to matter(and the game only allows 128 players even though you could host 250 players in theory).

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:31 am

Hrmm, interesting.

I was guesstimating that if 2 people sucked up 20KB / sec that a 1Mbit line would only handle 12 people. I am looking at a server that sells by continuous bandwidth usage rather then GB's per month. I was trying to figure out how many people we could stick on a 1Mbit connection, was thinking 12 but hopefully I am way off and we can put more.

Is there anyway you could see how much bandwidth those 40 peeps are using? =)

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:58 am

Yup. 1 person uses about 6KB/s.... that is .006MB/s... 1Mbit is abouts...125 players in theory..prolly closer to 100 after hardware flaws and this prolly takes into account excessive router hops.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:20 am

THis doesn't mean your system can handle 100 peeps though..just means your connection can.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:23 pm

What are the specs of your server?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:34 pm

1.6ghz AMD Athlon XP (2000+)
512MB DDR333 RAM
Windows XP Pro
7200 RPM HD (Yes this does matter due to page files )
3 T1 Dedicated Lines

I think that is all the really matters about my system.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:34 pm

Ok maybe I'm not following this right.

1 Mbit = 1000000 bits
1000000/8 = 125000 or 125 KB (KiloByte, not bit)

6/KB per person (KiloByte, not bit)

125 / 6 = 20.833333 or 20 people

So a 1 mbit connection could support ruffly 20 peeps???

*Confussed* . . . . .

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:48 pm

Have you tried removing the page file? I can run that on my system with 768 megs of ram. I have also forced the windows kernal into ram (really haven't noticed much difference with that). The question would be does freelancer crash if there is no page file. Some programs can do it others can't. I haven't tried freelancer without a swap file yet.

I do know that did a benchmark on 3 different settings of the windows page file. Auto (let windows pick the size), User (he set it for 1 gig), and None. He then played some games, there was about .5 at the greatest in fps difference between the 3 so maybe it wouldn't matter at all. But the server is more about processing numbers then a game using the video card.

And perhaps you would gain some speed with not having to access the harddrive.

Edited by - iceboxqs on 11-03-2003 17:49:31

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:00 pm

Your prolly right about the page file, but most games require it. And since i tend to like to play on my comp (the present server till i get my real one back), i'm almost forced to keep the page file.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:09 pm

BTW, your calculation was right, i forgot to convert properly...was kinda half asleep and studying for a test atthe same time.... but yes.... a 1 mbit lin can host roughly 20 peeps.... Prolly about 3 times that if you use multi beam fiber..but for single beam about 20 peeps

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:28 pm

so.. to one of you network experts: =)

how many ppl could I host on a cable modem? It's road runner, so I guess it's 128..

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:35 pm

Max for my server is 16-18 players.. but I'm being Limited to CPU power. not bandwidth! but I'd think 16 players is all the most i can handle the most.. cuz I'd have Hosted Half-life Servers, Couonter Strike Servers, Diablo II servers, C&C servers, Starcraft Servers, Serious Sam Servers, Etc... lol.

Admin For Macross Saga Server.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:14 am

Is your cable Digital or Analog?

If Digital, prolly about 16 people...if Analog...don't even try it. Cause you would be pulling from a bandwidth pool. So you may at time be pulling eough for all 16..but then the rest of the time only enough for maybe 8....

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:45 am

Thanks for the info. I guess that tosses out our idea for a server. Not enough muula for what this monster wants and even if you ran it as a premium server (pay to play) I doubt we would get enough people on to pay for what it looks we would need.

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