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Server behind NAT (wrong ip shown)

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:45 pm

Server behind NAT (wrong ip shown)

Hey all,

when I start a server behind my router it says I started a LAN server
with the IP but thats the internal IP that the router gives me,
I need the IP to be shown otherwhise no-one else outside the
router will be able to connect....

Anyone who knows the solution?

Edit: I already forwarded both TCP and UDP port 2302 to my Internal IP

Edited by - DJMurtz on 09-03-2003 13:53:32

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:09 pm

when you use the game's server broeser from within your network, you will see the server's internal address. however, from the internet (if the UDP ports are forwarded correctly) it will show the correct (external) IP.
my server is called "FreeLance Demons - Israel" and it's on my home network, behind a router, and it works fine. (it's not 24/7, so you may not find it all the time)


All my cruel acts are justified by the fact that i am a cruel person

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:37 pm

yeah dont worry people will connect to your server i opened poorts 2300 onto 2304 or somethinbg like that to be sure..

Greetz SolidSpit

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