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Best Tank Ship

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:08 am

Best Tank Ship

Which would you all say is the best fighter in the game? I've heard alot of folks say Sabres, and alot say Titans. What I'm looking for is the best all around fighter. So I guess having the 2 best players with the exact same skill go at it ...who do you think would win and what fighter would they be using? =D

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:41 pm

the titan is slow on turning but has teh most armro you can get and the sabre has better turnign than the titan but not as much armor, personaly i like the titan cuz of the more armor
well i hope that helps

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:45 pm

oops i didnt read it all lol well i havnt used the sabre much so i cant realy say which one would win but it would be close

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:40 pm

Well, it would depend on who's flying the respective ships. If the pilots were of equal skill I'd say the tighter turning on the sabre would be a pretty good advantage. But, if the titan pilot is used to fighting more agile ships he/she might be able to counter that. So, it kinda depends on the pilot's prior experiences with the handling/combat characteristics of their ships. (Then the Eagle swoops down and takes them both out, lol).

Edited by - Ein-7919 on 09-03-2003 21:40:52

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:53 am

Eagle. Sure, the Saber has a functional turret, and the Titan is just big, but the Saber is far clunkier in handling than the Eagle and has greater difficulty bringin its guns to bear, particularly on a human target. I find many duels against human targets involve very tight turning matches, since, unlike an AI, a human doesn't go into evade-lock and spend the entire fight fleeing from you as you pound him: He tries to kill you.

The Titan, on the other hand, is highly prone to losing bodyparts, particularly those with weapons attached to them, a design flaw which quickly becomes both expensive and annoying.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:00 am

I'm curious, can the eagle lose a wing or a gun ?

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