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2 Players on the same server through NAT

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Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:04 pm

2 Players on the same server through NAT

I have a NAT-Router, but I can't play on the same server as my friend, which is behind the same Router. I think the solution would be to change the clientport, but I didn't find any command-line parameters for freelancer.exe

Any Ideas?

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:30 pm

You both are in the same house/apt/dorm and on the same Lan and are both trying to connect to the same game on the internet?

The client side should not be affected by the Router at all. And changing the client port wont help, since the game server is on a certain port. Just make sure your router has no port forwarding turned on and both of you should be able to play.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:04 pm

i had this exact same issue and it seems its an issue with dplay. i found a tool online that allowed me and a friend to play on anyinetserver even the same one.

the tool is called DXport from
i have used it and it works great. maybe in a fl patch they will let us specify a specific port or have port based on internal ip like ac does. well all u do is run the small app and choose a different port range for each computer. i don't rember if i had to setup forwarding or not but give it a shot.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:17 pm

@RevRaz: This is not true. A TCP/IP-Connection always consists of: Source-IP: Port-->Destination-IP: Port. If 2 computers try to connect with the same clientport, it would be the same connection, which is impossible. So changing the clientport would result in another connection. i know this problem from half-life, where it is possible to change the port with -clientport xxxx.

@warzer: Thank you, this is exactly what i need

Edited by - Dummvogel on 09-03-2003 14:18:39

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:39 am

I've had 5 machines simultaneaously on the same internet server. All 5 machines had private ip's on from my router and the same world ip address. I had no problems connecting and playing on the same server for many many hours. I didn't have to do any client port editing what so ever.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:07 pm

I also have 3 machines that I tried, no problems here. May want to make sure you dont have any Direct Play ports forwarded from other games.

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