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This would make the MP part off the game so more better

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Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 1:08 pm

This would make the MP part off the game so more better

Imagen your self we had some kind of editor so we could make our own systems and that if a server admin like myself can put it up on my server and the server automaticlly sends it to all clients that connect.

And for the people who are thinking if your want to send alot of data that is offcourse not a system is build up out a background and the rest has just put in it not we as server have to sned over every star imgae or whatever it is so it should not be that big.

That way every server has his own systems thus making every server diffrent and get a never ending suply off exploring ... because when you enter new systems in this game you sometimes drop out of cruis go to turret view and just stare at your screen for some time..

also would be need if server admins yould make there own weapons with own attributes that way people will have a change to go on a server with the knowlege that some servers have there own hidden weapons oke the admin has advantage here but hey he a admin so it pretty logical that admin hs a status on his own server dont screw with me because i kick the **** out of you personally.

from the part of making own weapons i dont know if that is possible if you could only change attributes of weapons give them a new name you would have a new weapon, i know this is modding but it would be nice..

Greetz Nataku

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:03 pm

theres a whole hell opf alot of stuff that could make this game better....

-Dynamic Enonomy
-better ship/weapons balancing....end game is just Titans Sabres and Eagles
-Harsher Faction system
-missions variety

those are just the ones that pop into my head, at least theres a mod for the second point coming out soon

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:53 pm

i have a thread about this. "MP mod suggestions" there're a couple good suggestions there for making MP bettter. look there!

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