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Wanna be a titan or explore ? This is the server for you !

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:16 am

Wanna be a titan or explore ? This is the server for you !


When you start out you are neutral with everyone and you get a free 100k !!!

This is awsome I got the titan in 6 hours !!! And bagged some classified tech.

It's up 24/7 and has a stable ping on a 200mb pipe

If you area new player I reccomend this server.


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:57 pm

With those settings you can get Sabre in 1 hour.
Don't you thing it's too easy?

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:07 pm

Well it takes a little longer than 1 hour m8

Check out the server

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:12 am

how to ruin fun....

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 12:28 pm

STFU it's super fun.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:36 pm

where is the challenge in that you can have any ship in no time just get a big freither first and start shipping diomands from berlin to tokio more then 400k per run so do it twice and you already can buy the strongest ship around do it 4 times and you can buy the equipment needed and since you dont get shot buy anyone dont buy weapons just one to shoot the ships holding the lvl 10 weapons and voila you have just become one of the strongest fighters on your server in less then 3 hours ... how boring well have fun with it..

Greetz Nataku

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:26 am

Sorry actually the AI will ask you to drop your cargo also there are some players who will take the place of the bandits.

So in fact there is a huge challange but it just moves the game on a bit because the stuff at the start sucks and is boring :p

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:34 am

hmm sounds a lot like my server i got so much nagging about.. but i've been lucky with the concept. no one is so far a titan-manhattan-hanger (exept for a few duels this night). and i gave myself a good ship to "uphold the order" if need be. but so far it's been parked. and i still cruise in my dagger. just play the game instead of a constant hunt for money.. more fun that way.. give your character .. well ..character. feel a damn lot better that way. i had a few guys on that flew wolfhounds today.. they certanly were in character .. they even attacked and looted the water transports =P

yes it's easier money with clear rep.. so then someone have to make sure it ain't as easy by releaving them of their money. and if you "stay in character" your rep will jump to were it deserves pretty fast.. or just stay neutral and explore or do whatever

there's no reason to kill yourself.. as long as you can make others suffer

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