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Question on Lan Servers

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:28 am

Question on Lan Servers

Hey guys,

I got a quick question about creating a server...

Well, I'm creating a dedicated server for Freelancer, called mp84's Freelancer World however, after I created, and made sure all the important boxes were checked (Allow players on the internet to see it, etc..)

I connected to the internet to see if it was up and running,and it seems like it is, however, there's where thing I noticed, I noticed that it says LAN " yes"... I guess because I'm connected to a network, that has an effect on me...

But basically what I'm trying to say, is that eventhough I'm connected through LAN, will other players still be able to log on to my server? Cause I noticed that most servers have lan listed as no...

I'm just curious... Hey , check it by joining my server ... thanks everyone ...


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:05 am


I'm having that exact same issue with my server. I thought that maybe we could help each other out. I checked out your sever (it's there), but I couldn't connect to it. It said that the operation was taking longer than expexted, and then came back with an error message saying that I could not connect, and possibly that the server was offline (which it wasnt because I refreshed the broweser).

My server is like yours, behind a Router (mine's a Linksys), with ports 2300 - 2400 forwarded to it. In the in-game browser on another machine connected to the network, I also get "yes" listed in the "LAN" section. If you wouldn;t mind trying out my server, "!!!!!Crackmonkey's Treebranch," maybe we can see if we share common problems?

Hopefully we can get this sorted out!
e-mail me if you;d like to talk more about this issue.

[email protected]

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:07 am

Yeah if youre behind a router running a dedicated server on a network box you'll need to port forward port 2300-2304 UDP from the router. So anytime someone accesses (sic) your IP through that port it will go to your server box. Hopefully that helps out.


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:44 pm

I connected to the internet to see if it was up and running,and it seems like it is, however, there's where thing I noticed, I noticed that it says LAN " yes"... I guess because I'm connected to a network, that has an effect on me...

Exactly, because it searches Lan and Internet, and finds it on the Lan first. If you see it in the Global, anyone else on the Internet should see it also.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:33 pm

my server works fine..

I'm behind a Nat cisco router.. everything seems to work fine to me.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:16 pm

fixed it ... had to open the ip address to my dmz server

and it seems like it works as one of my freinds logged on ..

veryone is welcomed to try it as well

mp84's Freelancer World

is what it's called, 24/7 dedicated server... on a cable modem, 1.2 GHZ machine

for the moment, max players will be 16 , but I'll increase it if I find that it can be more stable with more players

have fun


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:54 pm

If you had to open the DMZ on your router, that means you didnt forward all the right ports.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 11:24 pm

I don't know if I explained it right, my friend was helping me out with it, and he told me to just put the ip address under the dmz default driver I think its called

anyhow, my friend , and another friend of mine too was able to log onto the server, so it's gotta work, or at least I hope it does, hehe...


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:37 am

Ya, I didnt mean to say it wouldn't work, but using DMZ opens your whole machine up to the outside. Was just saying it's safer if you just forward the ports instead.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:28 am

I see your point, and thanks, that's exactly what I did, i just opened ports 2302-2304, and it seems like it works, but let me know if it does for you, I gave the external ip address in the other thread I posted, thanks again ..


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