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Where to get lvl8 and lvl10 weapons ?

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Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:08 am

Where to get lvl8 and lvl10 weapons ?

Does anyone know. Im playing on a server and I got a nice little saber but the base will only sell up to lvl 5 and says lvl 6 and 7 I need to be more friendly with them for them to sell me them.

But I don't care about those anyone know where I can outfit my saber with lvl 8 and 10 weapons ? I know lvl10 ones can be found on certain wrecks I'm just unsure where they are.

Much thx.


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:17 am

goto the "NOMAD ZONE" lol kill nomads tractor their guns.

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