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Finally fixed crashing MPserver! pls try it out

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:17 pm

Finally fixed crashing MPserver! pls try it out

by messing around with the mpnewcharacter.fl file.. now you get 100k and a clear rep when you start out.. so you don't have to cruise around in the crappy space..floater for small cash 3 hours

fell free to join up and test it.. me and a mate tried it for a while and it worked fine.. (it didn't save rep changes before (for some reason))
located in sweden on a 1 mb line.. feel welcome to come and kill all things moving.. or so. no cheats plz (if it works), and no insane newb-ship killing

named: [SWE 1mb) 100k and clear rep!

if it don't work as it should .. tell me (the starting screen doesn't say 100k it says 2k, but still works)

there's no reason to kill yourself.. as long as you can make others suffer

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:58 pm

Yeah that was allready on a other topic i saw here, how to change that file to get 99.999999 cash, but what do u mean with clear rep? Everything full green?
Because if u start a new character u start with clear rep in my oppinion (everything neutral, no reputation at all).
But problem is most cheaters dont wanna play on a cheaters server, they wanna get into a good and nice mp server as only cheater and act like they did all the work themselve or ruin other ppl fun by killing weak ppl in their hvy armed titan, i doubt u get many visitors, most ppl know how to use the cheat now and do it on good servers
I hope first patch makes it unpossible to use the cheat ingame, i dont care about editting that file only admin can do it, but that cheat every player can use on someone else server needs to be stopped fast.
No Offence but, I HATE cheaters in multiplayer games, cheat in a singleplayer game, or on a special server for it like this one (or start ur own server to play/cheat on) i know its not allowed to cheat on yours, but everyone starts with 99.999999...why would they cheat on your server? u allready cheated for everyone deciding to play on your server so not the players cheat but the admin/server does, and offcourse i dont mind, i hope that ppl that where considdering to cheat with their char on a good server, decide to create a character on yours and try out how it is to have all that cash in start of the game.

Btw i think ur topic title is wrong: Finally fixed crashing MPserver! pls try it out.
This topic has nothing to do with that, u maybe better called it cheaters unite! or something lol.

Edited by - Cybermonk on 07-03-2003 22:59:51

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:12 pm

when starting on a new server do you think it's fun sitting in the starfloater for 3-4 hours or so?.. i know i hate it! and my server crashed 5 of my 25+ chars (now unusable and thrown away) so it eases up the starting prosess on a server.. 100k = lvl 14 when you buy stuff youre at lvl 11 or so.. and at that time you almost have no money left .. but are reday to start "the game" and do whatever you want.. haul diamonds from new berling to london/ tokyo? for an insta sabre?.. i bet someone is going to stop that with my.. ehh his ship..

and i had to edit the file to get the server stable and the reps saved when offing the server

can even clients change the file to get starting money?? if so it's damn insane!

there's no reason to kill yourself.. as long as you can make others suffer

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:17 pm

..and well i need some ppl to try out how much preassure it gets.. hard to tell how many users you can handle with no ppl playing on it.. 'cause they have their prrrreacious spacefloatie already kitted with 2 new crap cannons on another server and don't wanna invest time in doing it again.. but if as you say is that clients can edit it for themselves the game is unplayable 'til they fix it

there's no reason to kill yourself.. as long as you can make others suffer

p.s. and it's almost called cheaters unite with the 100k and no rep thingie up
and i'm not the police force joiner kinda guy so i'd never like the concept of being "forced" to start as one.. i'll hope you can choose start locations later on (thinks buffalo base.. the home of my one and only dagger)

Edited by - Lazarus on 07-03-2003 23:20:22

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