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how bad are the servers in freelancer?

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 9:15 pm

how bad are the servers in freelancer?

how would a 128 player server run on freelancer?, what about a 64 player server?
are there any running right now? if so how are the pings? if not when do you think there will be a 64 or 128 player server?

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 9:28 pm

The servers are as good as the volunteers who freely use their time, talent, and treasure to run them.

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The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:10 pm

I have a p4 2.4ghz 512mb server on a t1 set to 30 players right now, but I would go over that in a heartbeat if I thought it would get utilized. Maybe after a month I will up the limit to 64.

I guess I'm just in the habit of running 30ish player server for lan and net use.... I'll be testing 100 at my next lan party though...

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:15 pm

Yeah i dont think there are much servers with that high player capacity.
Why? Because it costs money to keep em up.
Offcourse feel free to start a Freelancer clan, asking a small contribution fee, and hire a 128 player server Or something like that.
I would love to see 128 players on 1 server at same time, that servers must have damn good specs then...
You can see freelancer as a small massive multiplayer game then
Would be great, now u dont meet much players along the way, it would be nice if there is also the risk the servers player organized "pirate faction" could ambush u, or someone did put a bounty on your head because he didnt like the way u talked to him, and he hired a bounty hunter to chase u down and kill u.
Ah.. im dreaming...

Edited by - Cybermonk on 07-03-2003 23:17:16

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:12 am

If you want to run your server with alot of players..

name your server with " !!!!MY COOL FREELANCER SERVER!!!!

use the !!!!! or # # # # signs cuz your server will goto the top of the freelancer server lists if you want players joining cuz my server is full all the time and I'd can't even log into my own server cuz it is constantly full all the time 24/7 a day.. so if someone has a 128 player server .. name your server like that.. and you will get full capacity of your server! cuz 99.9 % of the people who pick servers they just lazy to scroll down more on the list.. so they just pick the ones they see right there! lol.

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