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Running LAN Server at home. HELP ME!

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:27 pm

Running LAN Server at home. HELP ME!

I want to run a LAN game of FL at home between two computers. Before I hooked them together, I wanted to just fly around in MP by myself. So I started the FLServer thing, put my settings on, and then entered FL. I clicked multiplayer but my server doesn't show up in the lists. So I exited out and looked at the FLServer stuff. The console wants to connect to the global server list, even though I have checked "Allow internet players to join" OFF. I don't want to be connected to the internet and play, I just want to play at home. But in the console it just keeps attempting to connect to the global server list which I DON'T want it to do. What can I do to play MP by myself on my OWN computer?

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:45 pm

You said you did not hook both computers together. <- maybe, I misread the post.

So I am assuming that you are running both the FLserver prog and the regular FL on the same pc. Which, if thats true, then I don't think that will work.

Ignore the "can't connect to global server..." thats not your prob., I believe. I played on my lan just fine with my cable modem turned to standby. It just kept scrolling that message, but did not hinder gameplay.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:48 pm

I see. That's very helpful, thank you.

EDIT: Forgot to ask, can I run a server on my computer and play on that server at the same time? I only have two computers and want to link them together to play, is this possible? Sorry, I'm a bit clueless about this. Also, how do I just play MP by myself?

Edited by - Sarpedon on 07-03-2003 18:50:13

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:09 pm

running both the server and the game itself on the same pc is possible, just start the server, "Internet Accessible" on or off doesn't matter, it's LAN accessible anyhow, choose a name for your server and press ok.

the server takes about 10 seconds to start, after that, the server should be in the list, both when you press LAN or Internet. This is the same way i always play

"Respect for life is a mortal concern." -- Jon Irenicus

Edited by - Oraijon on 07-03-2003 19:09:08

Edited by - Oraijon on 07-03-2003 19:09:35

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:11 pm

Thanks Oraijon, glad to see your first post was to help me! Thanks a lot, you deserve a gold star!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:14 pm

Without knowing your system specs, I don't know if you could run them at the same time. The code in the game is not that stable, according to the various posts running around. I "suppose" you could, but like I said, that might be part of your prob.

The way I ran SP on a MP connection was to install the server-only files on one pc and log in through another pc that had the complete FL install.

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