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All Servers went down just now!

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 5:33 pm

I just hope the server's back online soon... I wonder, is there anyone that is able to connect anyway?

See the post I just added HERE.

Hope it helps.

Fly Well,

Pyrate Dredd

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:10 pm

Welll..uh...gee. Pyrate Dredd, we aint all as nerdy as you. Maybe your geek-a$$ can help us dummies without BEING SUCH A GEEKY NERD J3RK!

Oh how I hate nerds and geeks. Can't we just all play a game without making people feel stupid?

My God, it's a good thing geeks are not socially acceptable, or the country would be in BIG trouble.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:01 pm

Welll..uh...gee. Pyrate Dredd, we aint all as nerdy as you. Maybe your geek-a$$ can help us dummies without BEING SUCH A GEEKY NERD J3RK!

Oh how I hate nerds and geeks. Can't we just all play a game without making people feel stupid?

My God, it's a good thing geeks are not socially acceptable, or the country would be in BIG trouble.

Uh..smudge...All Pyrate did was show some stuff from the games readme file included on the CD so that if you take 30 seconds extra can play when the global server is down, I don't see how that makes him a "GEEKY NERD J3RK!" or making it so that he is superior and you're pond scum. Maybe I missed something?

I guess it doesn't matter what I say, you obviously hate me because I'm a Nerd/Geek without bothering to get to know me. Oh, and that last sentence of yours? That was a rather silly thing to say, you shouldn't generalize a whole group of people as something so stereotypical. Honestly technology drives the country and most of the world and without those "geeks" behind the scenes to keep things running we'd still be living like we were 100 years ago. Have a great day.

BTW, that's a great idea Pyrate, not sure why I didn't think of that myself! Maybe I ought to read the readme file? LOL


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