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Huge Bug

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:14 am

Funny that I can do it against everyone from nomad fighters to liberty rogues and everything in between... maybe I bought a bad copy of the game that has messed up AI, and you got a good version. I should go get my money back I guess.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:15 am

how do u "kill engines"?

kumari "Why can't we all just... get along?"

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:06 am

for me, its the z key.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:25 am

I have to try that out when I get my hand on the game tonight! lol ... drifting away from enemies. That is a serious bug which I hope will be plugged soon.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:58 am

It works on my side - tried it on a group of Corsairs in a Kusari system...

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 5:24 pm

uhh this also works against the nomads. It works against everyone but human players.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:32 pm

The hostiles chase you to a certain point and then stop. It's a design issue. If they chased you forever then you would not be able to excape and that would make trading too hard to do. There are plenty of hostiles that can chase and kill you in the right circumstances.

Of course if you are just out to run from place to place we assume you're having fun doing that. If you find it's a bore then why are you playing that way?

Mike "Gryf" Weber
Freelancer Tester
Digital Anvil Studio

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:54 pm

yeah I guess, it seems a lot of "assumptions" went into the designing of this game.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:05 pm

Ah yes, it's supposed to be 200, a typo on my part.

Back to the bug itself, I've also encountered it a few times, tested it out near Planet Kurile (in a system with lots of high level corsairs), and the corsairs just stopped, or backed of if you'd like almost right away. I was still deep into their patrol patterns inside a 'hostile' gas cloud in the system.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 9:27 pm

Gryf, the hostiles will immediately stop if you kill your engines. So if you AB to 200, then kill engines, the hostiles will just sit there, trying to shoot you as you float away. It's very disturbing

<@ElectricBrain> TACH IS DEAD! <@Tachyon> am not <@Tachyon> stfu <@ElectricBrain> no u stfu <@Tachyon> no you
<@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> no you <@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> NO YOU I WIN
-- Our very fine IRC ops --

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:55 pm

And I thought I was just a REALLY good dogfighter!
And now you tell me it's just a bug?!?
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!!!!!!!!!

That is my favourite fighting tactic...
Kill the engines and just keep tapping afterburners for motion...keeps me at a speed of 195 constantly, and tapping really fast allows me to turn at that speed without slowing down as well.

Never noticed the AI pilots just stopping in their tracks though...will have to check it out tonight.

Fly well,

Pyrate Dredd

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:32 pm

>The hostiles chase you to a certain point and then stop. It's a design issue. If >they chased you forever then you would not be able to escape and that would >make trading too hard to do. There are plenty of hostiles that can chase and >kill you in the right circumstances.
>Of course if you are just out to run from place to place we assume you're >having fun doing that. If you find it's a bore then why are you playing that way?
>Mike "Gryf" Weber
>Freelancer Tester
>Digital Anvil Studio

---Quoted from earlier post

Mike "Gryf" Weber, I'm not trying to be an ass, but that doesnt really address the problem. Look at it this way:

If I am going 200 speed with my engines on and afterburners on, the enemies will chase me.

If I then cut my engines, I am still going 200 speed in the same direction, and the enemies stop chasing me and drift away.

If it truly is a design issue, I have to ask why someone would design a way to escape enemies that makes absolutely no sense. There is already a way to stop enemies from chasing you forever... use countermeasures and cruise. Another problem with it is that it detracts from actually using the engine kill in combat, which is how I found out about the bug, I kept trying to do a 180 degree turn while being chased and give the enemy a blast of my guns (presumably the type of maneuver the engine kill button was implemented for)... and invariably the fighters were floating away before I got the chance :-/ .

I don't think very many people enjoy this designed feature implementation, so maybe it should be looked at in a patch. Anyone else agree?

p.s. Thanks for actually going and checking this out Kahar, as opposed to just steadfastly disagreeing with me. *cough* Stregone *cough*

Edited by - DavyT on 08-03-2003 00:04:15

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:14 am

Just a little side note to the moderators, you should probably put this into the Freelancer Discussion forum, as its not really a multiplayer bug... I posted it here by mistake to begin with.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:02 pm

What I find most amusing about this thread is how few people actually take the time to read and comprehend what DavyT is saying. They just assume he's using his cruise engines to run away from enemies (Gryf).

It's a bonified AI breaking bug.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:00 am

As a matter of fact, just in the past few hours I was in Elite, there were many instances where i used engine kill to try to escape some pirates but maybe 60% of the time, they kept following me for a while and then stopped, just like Mike said. Maybe it is due to the NPC's lvl because in some of the more core systems, they stopped chasing a lot faster. But I can tell yah that i would not have survived if they kept chasing me even in engine kill. But they DID keep chasing me even while in engine kill, which was surprising at first.

Stupid star radiation killed me in the end.

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