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Travelling to different systems...level-based?

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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:49 pm

Travelling to different systems...level-based?

Since I got the game from a friend, I planned on starting a multiplayer character, and not going through single-player mode. So here I am, with the best stuff money can buy (no, don't prove me wrong yet) however I cannot leave the 4 basic systems, New York, Texas, Colorado, and California. All of the jump gates leading to the other systems tell me "Access Denied" and so do the hidden jump holes. Now, i've got my Defender heavy fighter, 3 Lavawhatever mk 3's, two magmathings (class 4) and a stunpulse turret. However, I can't buy anything else in these dumb systems, and it seems i can't leave. Is there a level requirement to leave these 4 systems? I'm assuming it isn't a faction issue, since i am friendly towards every faction other than the 5 outlaws (Xenos, lane hackers, liberty rogues, outcasts, junkers). Bah, maybe i'll just wrack up some more cash and not spend it, some more.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:40 pm

You need to play 1-2 more single player missions before you get full access to everything.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:46 pm

So u gotta play single player to a certain lvl to have total access in MP thats a crock

Wars not about whos right its about whos left

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:36 pm

How does that work considering you have to create a new character for each new server you play on??

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance..."

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:46 pm


I don't understand how that's possible. I did the exact same thing: installed the game and went right into MP (saving SP for later). I haven't explored much beyond Liberty space (NY, Cali, Colorado, Texas), but I have poked my head into Kepler, Galilaeo and Hudson -- it allowed me to do it, w/o a hitch.

To be honest, EB's response confuses the heck out of me. Why would SP progress make any difference in an MP environment?


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:50 am

My brother and I have had this same problem on him MP server. Has anyone found a resolution to this? The only thing I can think of that would cause this, outside of a bug, is lacking good faction with the owners of the system...

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:18 am

I think it depends on ship, im not sure though, i do know you cant leave new york in a StarFlier, so it may be limited by ships or level maybe. not sure, i started mp LONG before my sp campaign and i went from hattan to cam in a rhino at first, now i own a humpback and over a million C, so, what im pretty sure of is that its limited by ship, or maybe by level, i dont know, figure it out, its gotta be one of those.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:42 pm

At a guess, I'd say you have a really bad reputation. Have you spent a lot of time attacking the "good guys?" I've been through a slew of systems, and the only system I've found that I can't currently get to is the Magellan system. I assume that it's because I'm no longer on good standing with the Lane Hackers. It's the only system that's ever been access denied, although I've encountered numerous bases that were finicky about my presence. Faction has always been the reason (I took up pirating for a bit.)

My guess is that you spent a little too much time robbing merchant convoys and/or bounty hunters. Many (if not all) of the merchant houses are affiliated with one nationality or another. Attacking them will turn the various police and navy factions against you eventually.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:30 am

I have found that it is true: You have to be good with the faction that controls the jumpgate. I found that I was unable to us the jumpgate to the Magellan System because (IMHO) there was a swarm of about 5-6 Xenos light fighters patroling around it. When I killed them all and tryed to us the gate it told me "Acess Denied". About 2 seconds later there was another swarm of Xenos light fighters. Needless to say I go out of there... I then went to the Colorado jumpgate on the other side of the system to try that one. Since I am in good with the Liberty Faction (and after reading this post) I thought that it would work. To make a long story short I was able to us the jumpgate with no problems. I don't know if you have to have a certian ship in order to do the jumps though since I am not flying the ship that you start out with anymore. Can someone confirm if you can do it with the ship that you start with? Hope this helps.


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:09 am

I don't knowif it's like SP, but you still have a way to jump from a system to another, without using jumpgates : find and take a jumphole...

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:17 pm

i've got kinda the same problem, i can use any jumpgate besides the ones that are controlled by the liberty navy/police whatever, but i dont have a negative rep with them (the server i play on sets your rep with everything neutral i think), i'm completely neutral...

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:05 pm

Couple points. About the comments from the EB person, he obviously missed the part about the original poster NOT playing SP but MP. In SP you can't leave New York system until you are given the access codes via the missions. This is not the case in MP, but there is a Level restriction I'm sure.

Now, since level is based on $$$, and the person having this issue has made enough to buy and outfit a defender, I would think this person has a high enough level. Other than the defender, the only other comparable ships are the Dagger or Bloodhound. Between those 3, they are the strongest ships in Liberty so you have a decent survival chance in the next systems.

But there are numerous gates you can not access in MP. Example is the Alaska gate in Zone 21 of New York. it's a SP mission based gate only, so it can only be accessed during one mission of the game in SP mode. I would think the NY-Mag gate would work, but maybe it's a special tie in for the SP game. For those who haven't played SP, that gate is how you escape Liberty when the entire system makes you the most wanted criminal. I'm not sure if it works at other times.

I know I found a jump hole in SP in Leeds that comes from Cambridge. It shows up on my map in Cambridge and lets me jump thru. But it doesn't show up on my map in Leeds, and the one time I did pop thru and was able to fight off the ships that immediately attacked, and was able to stay within visual range to relocate the hole, I could not jump back thru to Cambridge. And being a jump HOLE, no one can "control" it, it has no mechanical part, it's just a natural wormhole.

So it's very possible some gates you find may not work in MP. i would say the easiest way to find out is someone note what color the targetting diamond is when you click on the NY-Mag gate. Is it green/white/red? If not RED, then it's not a faction issue.

Due note for all you merchants out there, you want to be able to land at the lane Hackers base in Magellan, Mactan base I think it's called. That base sells the Dromedary frieghter, 275 cargo think you need to be level 10 first though (did in SP)



Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:24 pm

As far as I have seen there is nothing stopping you from going where you like besides the way the group who controls the gate feels about you... I have taken my defender to New Berlin as a level 1 character, and I have had my starting ship as a level one in the magellan system. I just started playing MP last night and there was no where I couldn't go....(but I had no enemies as I hadn't accepted any missions yet)

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:43 am

Ummm...posted a topic here. ... er&M=False

Just wanna ask.

Has anyone ever ever ever used the NY to Magellan gate in the NY system in the badlands in multiplayer and if you were able to. What level, what ship were you using?

Or is that gate just tied in to SP only and not working in MP.

Currently unsure coz in SP after the story missions, I was still able to use that gate.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:36 am

Ok, tried the NY -> Magellan gate from the OTHER side, the one near Mactan base and well, it's access denied too.

Have a Dromedary, level 15 above odd and still it goes access denied.

So I think it's a single player only gate. Do wish it could be enabled though, can get some trade routes way shorter just using that gate which bypasses an entire system altogether.

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