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Good Server

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Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:53 am

Good Server

Me and some friends are looking for a good PvP enabled server that is up 24/7 and has a reasonably good following of like 20+ people on average. Anyone know of any? Just getting kind of tired of playing for a few hours and then that server going down and never coming back up =P


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:17 am

im just wondering how you have the game so early?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:40 am

Only good server so far is E2...but it went down for 2 days..but its back up..i hate this deicated server crap..u play for so long on server..then it could go down at any time....and as far as having game so early...i'm california...i've had game for 5days...then i foudn out last night it doesnt release until march 4th..LOL its called um...WAREZ (piracy) have fun all

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:19 pm

I prefer to call it ... trial .. had I not "tried" it .. I would never have bought it..

My real copy will be arriving (supposedly) the day after release..

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:30 pm

I hate people who use warez i really do. It is not fair for the effort the team put in their work. You also don't go to the cinema, watch the movie, come out and say: " HEY, I'm not gonna pay dude, that movie SUCKED!" Pay for it. I really hope they find something against those Warez. When someone get sued for hosting a warez site, well, they kinda were looking for it. I don't feel any pitty for the pain they aftyerwards have to suffer for it.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:30 pm

You're allowed to hate, that is one of the many freedoms you have..

I disagree with theft, yes it does hurt developers.. but in my particular case, it gained them $49.95 and put some money in the hands of UPS as well.

I'm sorry - but I won't pay for something I do not like, and in the stores around here, if the case is opened you're SOL, they won't take it back.

If I could get away with getting a refund for a sucky movie, then I'd do that too, instead .. if I GO to a movie and I like it, I DL it and wait for it to come out on DVD and then I purchase it.. I have 220 movies in my DVD collection.. do the math, I put more than enough money in their pockets, I also have shelves loaded with retail game boxes.. I buy what I like .. I toss out what I don't.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:13 pm

I just have another opninion in that matter. I believe that you must pay for the programme that you are using, no matter how "bad" that might be for you. Oh well, there will always be different opnions in the world, otherwise it would be boring, right?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:19 pm

Our opinions aren't that different..

If I plan to keep using it, I pay for it ..

If I use it once and it's totally not what I thought it would be, why should I be stuck with it? now if the stores around here accepted a return, I would have NO trouble going out, buying it, checking it out and then returning it if it sucked, even if they allowed returns the same day only I'd be fine with it.

Fact is, they don't .. if the seal is broken, the game is yours.. you may ONLY exchange it with the same game, so you better be SURE your system requirements match, the hardware is compatible.. etc

Sure, they are trying to prevent you from taking it home, copying and returning it .. but the down side is that it also increases piracy.. I'm sorry, but I will not go out and buy something on faith that it's going to 1.) work on my system and 2.) be enjoyable or what I expected it to be.

Demos don't even cut it all the time, I remember playing the UT demo and then when I bought the game, it for some reason didn't like my soundcard drivers anymore, yet the demo played just fine!

I'm a try before I buy kind of person, atleast until they come up with a fair policy for returns..

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:29 pm

I am DEFINATELY a purchaser though .. I've spent nearly $4,000 US on purchased DVD's and Videos, and way more than that on software over the years..

I just purchased Medal of Honor, the spearhead expansion, Battlefield 1941, Silent Hill 2 and a few others at $40+ a game .. all in the past 2 months..

I also own hundreds of music CDs .. and as you can guess, I sample the mp3 music before I buy those too ..

It's those who abuse it that are causing the real damage .. it's like someone else said, Darwinism.. the bad software designers shouldn't survive in the business, why should bad design and poor imagination be rewarded..? it shouldn't .. if you like it? sure buy it .. I won't reward someone for writing something **I** don't like .. it's my money.. it has to be earned.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:47 pm

About those cd's i have to admit that i only use MP3's Long live the Mp3 Player

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:02 pm

heh hey now, if you like the music buy the CD..

Have you seen the split on how much the artist actually makes? it's disgusting, the smallest chunk of the money made basically goes to the artist .. but that's another story for another forum :-D

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:06 pm

Haha, look Wacko Jacko has enough money, i don't have to pay him for his music. check ur e-mail btw

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:18 pm

I did .. and already replied

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:32 pm


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:12 am

I say we should all download the MP3's and then send a cheque directly to the artist. There should be an organization who does this... maybe take 2% of the money and then forward the rest to the artist.

But yes... this is a topic for a different site....

Long live Freelancer!

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