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Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:38 am


Hi there!

I've played Starlancer online for quite some time, joined clans, played ladder games and really loved deathmatches. Freelancer multiplayer sounds cool with character development and all, but - is there still a deathmatch option? Like pick a fighter of your choice, get some friends and just whoop each other until someone reaches a frag limit? I'd like to see some ladders and squads going on just like in Starlancer, which isn't possible without a deathmatch mode.

Well, any replies would be greatly appreciated.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:52 pm

but you can instead have clanwars, I start first plans for it, let´s see if SE can host together with WP a pvp clanwar server that gets resetet for each war.

Aswell there can be clan wars going at the elite server or other peristent server, but I guess once the majoriy of clan players are highlevel it gets abit pointless cause there is not much to lose when dying.

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:57 pm

Whoa Apo, you're still alive? I used to be part of WP myself, under a different name of course.

You didn't answer my question, though - I wondered if there was any deathmatch mode at all. Clanwar servers make absolutely no sense IMO. You would have to level up like mad just to access all the ships and weapons and if the server is dead or full or whatever you cannot even play on another one because you would have to start over again. Squads, Ladders, Tournaments - it would all become pretty useless.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:59 pm

no deathmatch

and ladders are useless, tourments, well make a pvp server, and lets see who reached first level 38 (or whatever is max), it gets intersting, cause you have to try to stop your opponents from making profit, while you try yourself to level as fast as possible, lots of tactics involed. Temp alliances to stop others, backstabbing to gain the upper hand ... and and and
a pitty that all this works only while levling up, once your high level you have not much to lose anymore. if you would lose at least parts of your weapons when you die, it would be much more intersting in high level gameplay.

a clan war server must be big (allowing 30 players I guess at min), and maybe pw protected.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:08 pm

i guess for clanwar we just set up a server so everyone can start at a set level, or has a certain amount to spend on their ship, fly to somewhere, and let losse the dogs of war
of course should we play se the outcome is already forgone, just like last time :p
i'm certainly looking forward to larger scale battles, in sl 4v4 where great fun, but most tounreys had to be played a series of 1v1s because the game couldn't take many players without heavy lag
will be good to play you all again

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:15 pm

you are right if SE ever face again WP the outcome is really clear :p
hell, jogi, data, shao and the rest of the crew will slaughter you guys

and well, a war in fl is about money, the intersting part in fl is not just the fighting, its about how to gain those weapons and ships to screw your enemys, so I think clan wars should start always with level 1 players.

Tactices, reputation and stratgie become than important, though sometimes a "hey lets all meet near manhatten and let the hell break lose" is definatly fun from time to time aswell

Edited by - Apocalypse on 26-02-2003 14:20:04

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:18 pm

Spawn, we're working on that issue! It may not be exactly what you envision, but close. Stay tuned!

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator/Comp Tech Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ Competition doesn't create character, it REVEALS it!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:21 pm

Thanks for all the quick replies.
Glad to see the WP still alive. Is Focus still with you? I think he has a new name now.
I used to be with WP as WP_Werewolf.

Anyways - is there a chance to set a certain level or a set amound of credits for everyone so all players could just build any ship they want and engage in PvP combat? That would almost be like deathmatch. Any way you can do that?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:25 pm

thats definatly possible, maybe some "cheating" involved from the server admins, but should be possible. but it would take away 75% of the dimension of freelancer.

and yeah wolfpack still arround, and focus is now greywolf, he had married whitewolf :-)

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:27 pm

Heh, glad to hear that. You and Focus were my best friends in my SL times.

Okay, thanks again for the quick help. I think I'm just gonna create a "cheat" server then where people can get any ship they want and battle me.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:33 pm

aye i imagine wp will try and set one of those up for when we're not on elite
be good to practice combat, and possibly explore (but then again that would involve not killing somone for more than 5 mins )

great to see that tlr might be thinking of doing something like this

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:18 pm

wait wait wait

werewolf, this werewolf that I though is a "noob with talent" ?
the one that make his great storys of his stupid village?
hey great to see you again

hmm hmm hmm, damn what was his other name, natchos ?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:25 pm

Heheh yeah, I'm the skilled newbie
My other nick was Knuckles btw

Anyways - when I started playing Starlancer the game was long available and while I could easily defeat other noobs and average players, veterans like you tore me apart so I got a little frustrated and switched to Crimson Skies where I soon ended up on top of the CrimsonSkies-SL leage. I left Crimson Skies again when SL league died and became gamespy techie for some weird reason.

I didn't expect Freelancer to hit the shelves anytime soon when they announced a release date all of a sudden. I must admit that the mouse flight system feels just wrong to me and I don't like that there is no real DM anymore, but the great graphics and the fast-paced action will probably make this game even way more popular than Starlancer was.

Well, looks like we're gonna meet again in space really soon. And this time we're all just noobs

Edited by - FurryAngel on 26-02-2003 15:25:20

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:38 pm

AS I have now over 40 hours game play, I guess not all are noobs

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:41 pm

I'll have the game by tomorrow so you'll be just 3 days ahead of me
That's nothing compared to almost 1 year I was behind everyone else in SL

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