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Multyplayer Saved Charecters?

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:10 pm

Multyplayer Saved Charecters?

Here's the situation.

I was hosting a LAN server with a bunch of pals, then some other friends of mine got the game and we wanted to play on the net. However, the computer that WAS hosting the server, I do not want to open ports to through my router, because I dont want that box possibly getting hacked.

So, How would I backup our current charecters, and move them to another box to run the server, so we dont lose our charecters? Where are the multiplayer charecters saved on the server side? Or are they even saved server side?


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:30 am

Yes, all MP characters are saved on the server side and the instructions on how to transfer from one comp to another are within the readme files of the retail version.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:42 pm

sorry for being a bit thick like....

does this mean that every time you go to a different server your status is wiped ?
as in you play in one server for a little while and then when moving to a new one
you have to start all over again ?

dosnt that strike anyone as being a bit crap like >?
your on-line status should remain the same regardless of what server you connect to.
whats the point of spending untold time building up your rep/money/ship if you can only use it in that server alone.

i can hear it now
my other profile im level BLAH BLAH with a BLAH BLAH ship and BLAH BLAH guns and BLAH BLAH monies and ive killed EVERY one in the whole universe TWICE.
Unfortunatley becasue the server went off line i cannot prove none of this and it took me over 120 hours of play to get that far (FL box just freshly unwrapped on there desk)

and to think i was going to part with my hard earned cash monies.....


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:20 pm

hum, I needed about 5 hours to get half a million credits, so I really guess its not that bad
and once you have this credits, you can make every half hour again a half million

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:26 pm

seen as you put it like that.....
it dosnt seem to bad...

but i gotta ask 1/2 a squidzillion creds in 5 hours....
how so ?

i find i can only really make any money by taking on missions
and you get bugger all creds for that and fighting 12 rogues sods can get a bit hairy in that pants little craft they give you.

plus i find you have to go to the systems first befor they appear on your navmap thingy. which is a bummer.. people say goto space dock what ever at where ever
but i cant find it on me nav map at all.

see another thing thats annoying me is that i had visions of my mates and i all trotting off to some one else server in out well beefed up craft and giving em a good pasting then sneeking back to our own server. Tee-Hee.....

but it looks like that isnt going to happen....

unless i email the admin of their server asking nicely to uploads all our well ard profiles so we can go spank em
somehoe i dont think they will agree.


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:52 pm

I know as the admin of a server I wouldn't agree to that because Freelancer MP world doesn't revolve around one person or a small group of people jumping from one server to the next. That simply rediculous.

If someone new or a group of people jump onto a new server they should damn well have to earn their ranks and power like everyone else did - from scratch. How much fun would it be if MP characters could be that easily transferred from one server to the next. It would be like a roaming horde of people that screw up a server for a time then move on. What about the other characters that might want to play on that server, what are they supposed to do wait until the horde is done and moves on? More people would be upset they couldn't play on a server they spent hours building a character up on than the few people that just jumped on a server brand new without having to pay their dues. In my opinion that would ruin MP for everyone but this small group of people that raid then take over a server. Fun for a small group of people, not fun at all for the majority of people. If they want to act like that they are free to create and maintian their own server, but stay off mine.

Thank god server admins have the right to kick/ban people.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:11 pm

the only time you'd ever want to bump people up is if their char got corrupted and the admin remembered roughly where they where at (iffy) or for clanwars as a temporary thing

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:08 pm

hmmm Stinger

thats a good point you got there.
mabye i was a tad hastie in my thinking....

can you recommend a good fast server (from the UK) which is in for the long haul.

what about the point made by Spawn for clan wars ?
if two clans gonna have a barney then they would want to use there best ships ?

but u still have a good point indeed.



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