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Connecting to MP games

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:05 pm

Connecting to MP games

Whenever i try to play a mp game, i cna never get the server list to come up. It just sits at "connecting to global server.." Is there any other way to connect besides thrugh the game?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:24 am

Just wanted to update that i found the problem.. if any of you guys experience this issue just make sure you restart your computer after you install and it will fix the problem hehe

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:56 am

I did this, and cant connect anyone out there have any ideas? (Yes I am using a 'trial warez version, but I have already ordered mine from Bestbuy and am waiting its arival..)

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 5:30 am

Refer to the file "README~1.HTM" in your "EXTRAS" directory on your Freelancer CD. For convenience, I'll copy and paste the relevant parts:

Ports Used By Freelancer and the Freelancer Server
Freelancer uses the standard DirectPlay8 UDP ports 2300–2400. Ports are allocated starting at 2300, working toward 2400. Port 2300 is only used when connecting to the global server.

This port range is used by both the game client and game server. The game server uses it to connect to the list server and to accept incoming connections from game clients. The game client uses it to connect to both the list server and the game servers.

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on Win98/Me
Windows98 ICS is not Universal Plug & Play (UPnP) compliant. This prevents Freelancer servers from negotiating with ICS to open the proper ports. If you want to host Freelancer games behind a Windows98 ICS system, you have to configure your ICS to allow the Freelancer server to be accessed from the Internet.

We have provided an INF file that contains special configuration instructions for Freelancer’s server with Windows98 ICS. This file is located in the Extras folder where you installed Freelancer and is called Win98ICS.inf. This file must be installed on the machine that serves as the ICS host (i.e. the machine with the real Internet connection).

If you are simply running a Freelancer server on your ICS host machine, you can use this file as-is. If you are running a Freelancer server on another machine on your network, or you’ve chosen a specific port with the /P option, you will need to edit this file before installing it. When you’re happy with the contents of this file, right-click on it and choose Install. You must reboot the ICS machine for the changes to take effect. This should properly configure your ICS to work with Freelancer.

Simple Fix for Most NAT/ICS/Firewall Issues
Many NAT, ICS, and firewall issues can be resolved by simply opening up ports 2300–2400 on your NAT/ICS server or firewall. If you just want to run a single server on your NAT/ICS network, this should work well for you.

How to Control the Port Number that the Freelancer Server Uses
The Freelancer server normally picks its own port (in the range of 2302–2400) when hosting a game. This works well in most cases. However, there are situations where you may want to control the port choice for the server. These situations are usually caused by running more than one DirectPlay game on your network at a time.

You can control the port selection with the /P command line option to the FLServer.exe program. For example, if you wanted to have the server host on port 1234, you would use the following command line FLServer.exe /P1234. You can easily modify the provided shortcut to FLServer.exe to include this option. Simply edit the Target line and add your own /Pxxx after the FLServer.exe text.

On a personal note, a teammate is using WinXP Pro and ICS and couldn't retrieve a server list. He installed SP1 and all of a sudden it worked. I have no clue why, I consider ICS evil and don't use it.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 12:06 am

I have the same problem, but i had restarted my computer after installing freelancer. So i do not know what else problem it could be.
The readme does not help because i do not want to create a server, but to see the serverlist


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 2:06 am

I've had this same problem today. But it wasn't after I installed. I ran the server browser for 3-4 days fine with no problems. And then today when I try and get on it just sits there saying connecting to global server. And does nothing for the next 20 minutes or so.

Trouble is is it worked fine 4 hours before and no one has used the network or the pc during those 4 hours so nothing on my end has changed it just spontaneously stopped working. And when I try and do a tracert on their list servers it always says destination net unreachable. Yet everything else on the internet I usually do (Everquest etc) all work fine. And my friends who play on the same Freelance server I do even 1 on my own provider is able to get the servers to list and now suddenly I am not. Any clues about this?

And also how the heck do you just enter the ip of a server manually and connect so you don't have to go through this when something with their server list messes up.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:07 am

i have been having exactly the same problem , ever since i installed i have never been able to see the server list, i have reinstalled about 4 times which has had made no difference.

n0s , i friend of mine has had the same problem as you , he has been playing MP for a few days now , however all of a sudden he was unable to connect to the Global Server.

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