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Freelancer Extended Multiplayer

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Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:39 pm

Freelancer Extended Multiplayer

along time ago this game was announced that there would be two releases of it.. the standard version that we are getting soon and a extended multiplayer version that can handle extreame amounts of people later.

i remember hearing about parking your ship onto a base or something of that sort and manning turrents thats on the base/ship (there would be a limited number of these) basicly alot of the ideas that were going to make this game great seem to not have been introduced into the game.

are these still in the plans or is this it.. what we have in freelancer now is it? if there still going to do the extended multiplayer then ive got about 18 - 20 copies to go buy for our lanning group if not.. and it stays like it is.. i dont think we are going to be buying it. its just really not that much fun to keep playing it day in and day out.

(got to play the beta for about 4 days at the lancenter one of the guys brought it up there to show us)

Post Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:44 pm

FLO may or may not come out... I don't think even great sales would guarantee FLO at this point.

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