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Rep work in MP

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Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 6:54 am

Rep work in MP

I tried out MP for the first time today and realized that it is very difficult to get one's foot in the door with the pirates without the single player campaign missions. At the beginning of the game, almost every single pirate group is enemy and the only way to get on their good side is to attack your only allies..liberty. In SP the plot shifts some of them to neutral and then you can land on their bases and bribe them, but in MP how does one go about doing that?
All I know is that if I can get the outcasts to be neutral and sit at the unknown jumpoint in omicron alpha...I will be a very wealthy man...but how? suggestions?

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 6:56 am

Bribes! Freports are good places for such a transaction.

Edited by - Stinger on 20-02-2003 07:25:45

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:00 am

But if they're all hostile...where can you bribe them from? There are no outcasts on house bases. I suppose I could get lucky and find one on the junkers base in texas or on one of the freeports....but even then they're not always there as my experience in SP showed. I finally got lucky and the blood dragons/outcasts are good allies to have...

BTW: I have a the titan really any better or just comparable? I know its armor stats are a bit better as I saw on Crete, but how's the maneuverability/chance of loosing those giant wings?

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:11 am

I think the Rep system needs a major overhaul in MP unless I'm not aware of something, and you also play on a PK server.

Situation tonight on Elite was me and a buddy were grp'd trying to run some missions in New York. Near Texas Wormhole we get jumped by a player by the name of Tasiin. He totally destroys us. (Much better ship,armor,weapons, and like 20 lvls higher then us) I figure no big deal so we try again and he's there. Happens again. This time wait a bit and go again and tries to kill us and we ran back to Missouri Battleship. Destroys us again... So now we're basically respawning inside Missouri and he just sits outside destroying us over and over again. Now he made some comment about him having a Corsair ship, looked like a Centurion or Titan, and staying in character so that's why he was destroying us in our Defenders.

My problem is the way FL is handling this. First off I've been running missions like crazy for the Navy and have excellent rep with them. Why doesn't that damn BS Missouri unload on the damn PK'er when he destroys people like that next to it. Fine lets just say the NPCs can't handle that. At least give us an option to respawn in a previously visited spot instead of the last visited spot. Other thing is personally I don't think there is any reason for players to be able to see System Location of other players unless maybe they were grp'd. Well just my thoughts on the way MP PK is working right now like I said maybe there is more info I'm missing but....

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:31 am


Not to worry, that sort of thing will not be a regular occurance on the Elite server once the game hits the retail shelves. If you're still having a problem with a person, just post something on this forum, someone will see it and we'll have a chat with the individual about their actions. I seriously doubt he was doing anything more than just having a little fun at your expense. But there's got to be a limit for sure. I mean you sound as if it was pretty frustrating and you tried to reason with him.

I'll be on the server tomorrow night, if the same thing happens, let me know and I can actually do something about the harrassment. There are many option available. Nothing was really intended bad, you just got a hold of a case of bad timing. Let begones be bygones but if it happens again, we'll deal with it.

EDIT: I spoke with Tasiin, he admitted going a bit overboard on you. He was very appolegetic. He said he'd try to make it up to ya given the chance.

Edited by - Stinger on 20-02-2003 07:44:39

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 11:49 am

Yeah I did, I PKed you way too many times and I'm sorry for that, dunno why I did that even. I did hear something about the cops defending people from aggressors but that doesn't seem to be in build 1196. Sorry again

I wasn't really hunting you down per se, I didn't even know you two were in New York till I saw you on my sensors, was heading to the Ithaca research station actually, friend wanted me to check something out on it. I saw you guys and I guess I got a little trigger happy

Edited by - Tasiin on 20-02-2003 11:59:34

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 1:10 pm

It's not that specific instance and this is suppose to be Beta/Testing period so everything needs thoroughly tested =) I hope Tasiin is right and it's just not part of the 1196 Build. Only time will tell.

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