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What happens when you die in MP

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Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 5:28 pm

What happens when you die in MP

Do you retain your money/etc? Or do you have to start over? Do you get another ship, or if you have enough money can you just buy a new ship? I'm just wondering what happens to the people who are sure to get blasted by others in MP.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 6:18 pm

You go back to the last station you were on, but lose all the cargo and other items not equiped on your ship. I think you might lose some money also, but I didn't notice (only died once cuz stinger had us do a super hard mission )

<@ElectricBrain> TACH IS DEAD! <@Tachyon> am not <@Tachyon> stfu <@ElectricBrain> no u stfu <@Tachyon> no you
<@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> no you <@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> NO YOU I WIN
-- Our very fine IRC ops --

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:57 pm

You just come back alive at the last star base/planet/jumphole/jumpgate you were at with everything you had at that point.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:11 pm

So all the stuff you mentioned are basiclly save points?

Im quite used to that type of gameplay but not on mp. Is it the same for SP?

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 9:35 pm

you respawn with everything you had @ death... same number of all types of ammo, nanobots and batteries as well. So if you have an empty cargo hold and KNOW you are gonna die, save on countermeasures, etc. and just wait for respawn option to come peacefully... hehe


Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 10:53 pm

That's weird, when I died a number of times in a system that will remain un-named I lost the nanobots and sheilds that I used and had to buy more each time...

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 11:28 pm

There must be some penalty or it becomes too easy to take suicidal (for your weaponry at least) missions on the chance that you may actually make it through, just to stop someone else getting a good whack from it.

My idea of an OS is one that operates the system, not a self contained package of every piece of software ever invented.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 5:14 pm

You have to lose something imo, otherwise you won't fear death.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 10:05 pm

yeah that sounds right.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 10:25 pm

I can hear the lamers now shouting "YES"

Oh no - just hope setting can be changed to give some kind of death pentry

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 11:15 pm

Yeah i agree. Death should be really unwanted. Maybe comparing your level and your gold, and subtract an amount of gold from that. This way people with lots of gold and a high level would be affected by death too.

I dont think you should loose your guns when dying. If you can't afford any new you'll be kind screwed. Maybe you could be equiped with some crappy guns instead? Dunno


Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 11:24 pm

That's a good idea Lass, JumpGate had the same kind of thing where your ship, and some basic equipment was insured. So when you died you lost your 'ModX' which were special ship add-ons that helped with speed, armour etc..

So when you died you ended up with your ship, all newbie weapons/equipment. But you also got back about 90% of the value of your equipment back not counting the ModXs. But also your insurance rating went down, and so next time you died you would get less money back.

Fluffle Master..

Edited by - Starman on 20-02-2003 23:23:51

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