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very annoying problem with connecting

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Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 10:19 pm

very annoying problem with connecting

Okay, so.. when i first got the cd on saturday,i couldn't even access the multiplayer section of my main menu. it was greyed out.. then i figured out that if i connect through aol in addition to my regular dsl, it worked.. sometimes but not always.. but it's really annoying seeing as how most of the time the multiplayer section is greyed out and unclickable.. i don't have a router or anything, and i have gotten into multiplayer about 5 times...anyone know what the hell is going on?

I am Krang the all-powerful! I have never been defeated!

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:33 am

firewall being used?

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:34 am

nope, no firewall.. i can't imagine the problem has a logical answer, since it just randomly works sometimes, rarely though.

but any other guesses?

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:35 am

then i figured out that if i connect through aol in addition to my regular dsl, it worked

This statement confuses me, please explain the details. You're connecting through two seperate connections at the same time?!?

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:38 am

yes,.. i connect to the internet through my regular dsl, and then i connect through aol via ISP/LAN connection

oh yeah, and when i connect through aol, that is the only time FL multiplayer isn't greyed out.. but even then it is greyed most of the time

and when i do connect to a server, i can close aol and it will work just fine

but i can barely ever get that far

Edited by - krang on 18-02-2003 00:39:52

Edited by - krang on 18-02-2003 00:40:18

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:43 am

Is there a network bridge involved in this connection spaghetti? If it were me, I make sure you had the Internet Conection Firewall and Sharing turned off. That in the properties of the DSL connection.

krang, look into the properites of the icon you use to connection via your DSL line. Inside there should be 5 tabs. Look at the one titled "Advanced" and you should see two sections one is called Internet Connection Firewall anf the other is called Internet Connection Sharing. Be sure both do not have checkmakrs in them.

Using WinXP right?

Well, WinME makes it a little more involved. Check you network connection settings. Thereshould be an Icon on your desktop called network neighborhood or something like that. Don't change anything, just write down what is already there and report back to me. Leave nothing out and I'll get you fixed. (The software used to configure your DSL conection should have established this connection without a hitch...a call to your DSL provider might be in store soon)

Something is just not chatting right with ther internet. I migth suggest look through this site here to not only learn what your doing but it probably will feel better to work this through on your own. Great site for help with network connection issues.

Edited by - Stinger on 18-02-2003 01:00:28

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:51 am

i'm using windows ME

and the properties only has 4 tabs.. user information, tcp, configuration, services, and about.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:43 am

okay i went into my network places and it wont let me into "entire newtork"

it says

unable to browse network. windows is unable to gain access to the network. this may be for a number of reasons.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 2:27 am


Ashort viewing of the troubleshooting section reveals a lot of information. check here

Edited by - Stinger on 18-02-2003 02:28:06

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:17 am

that site didnt help because i went and found the answer to the unable to browse network error and i found this

it says i must log into the network.. but it doesnt explain how i do that.. when i log in it still doesnt work..

this is so ****ing stupid, i don't even want to try anymore

thanks for trying to help me stinger, but i think it isn't worth it, since it is probably a beta problem.. i mean it would have to be a beta problem.. i don't have the slightest problem logging into other games.

so i think i'll just wait till the gold version comes out, and i bet it will work by then.. if not, then i'll deal with it then.

and anyway i will probably get into the game occasionally, since i have in the past..

thanks again stinger, but i think this is a lost cause :-/

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:57 pm

1st thing get rid of AOL!! They suck and they have alot of issues with their software and just stay with your DSL! Whoever you have your DSL with stay with them if it's AOL then go with a Local ISP! Like BellSouth or whoever but never go with AOL unistall all of their software and that will fix probally about 90% of your problems!

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:03 pm

actually i just uninstalled AOL, and it worked even less.. so i just reinstalled AOL and now it seems to be working really well! no more problems!

its weird though, i only need to sign on aol to log on Freelancer.. when i am in FL i can close aol and it works fine.

odd huh?

oh well, its working thats what is important =)

I am Krang the all-powerful! I have never been defeated!

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 11:37 pm

Well going by what you said earlier that you had DSL, plus AOL! Well I would still do away with AOL and go with a Local ISP unless you dont have one! Then your kinda stuck with AOL then but if it works that good but their are alot of issues with AOL software! Well this is normal with AOL you use their software setting to connect to the net once your connect your connected so then you can close their software then. This does not disconnect your connection to the net so no that is not odd that's normal with AOL. Once your connected just close AOL software and go into your program which would be FL! By closeing the AOL software does not diconnect your connection it just close's their software is all! In the future again I think you would be better off going to a Local ISP and get local support for issues! Anyway glad things are going good now!

Edited by - Intimidator#3 on 20-02-2003 23:41:43

Post Fri Feb 21, 2003 3:06 am

that's what i do lol

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