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Off-Topic but have no idea where else to ask

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Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:57 am

Off-Topic but have no idea where else to ask

Yes, I do know that this is completely off topic and might be deleted, but this is the only forum I post on and am not ashamed to ask for help. Ok, I have a virus, on my computer, Supposedly its a Trojan Horse virus, I ran Tauscan (Trojan Horse Removal and Detection Utility) and the first time i ran it, it detected and said it had deleted this virus. But i keep getting these popups in very small boxes that say "Mega-Chuku 3.0" i ran several antivirus programs and all found it, but none got rid of it. Whenever i play a game or enter a program that takes up the whole screen, i am welcomed back to the desktop with sometimes well over 500 of these popups. I ran a antivirus, it has found 47 infected files, 45 of these succesfully deleted, the last two were in 2 programs i couldnt not delete, it would say that this program is in Use By Windows. Did i mention those same popups seem to come eveyr 30 seconds or so even when im NOT in a program? I have been wresting with this thing for a very long time and it is pushing me to the edge of my sanity.

I cannot format my hard drive for a long list of reasons. I talked to a friend who is a Network Security Admin, and he says that my only hope is to find a Antivirus i can run from DOS on Floppy disks without booting the system. I tried to, unfortunately i cannot find one, many a time i get really far into a game, and just as im about to make a save a popup flies up, crashes the game without me making a save game, for this particular reason i had hit my computer so hard my CD drive started to screech and i had to have it replaced. I Contacted everyone i know, including Microsoft, even the antivirus companies, hell, i even called my vid card manufacturer, but to no avain. Someone please tell me what to do or make a suggestion, im going freakin crazy here.

"I Would Rather Die Standing Than Live On My Knees"

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 10:53 am

lol, too scared to move this cuz he doesnt know about the Off topic forum! Its second last forum on the list, comont!!!

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 4:13 pm

Well EB, it's kinda hard to find the OT forum if you don't know where you're looking. The big forums links on the side bar only show the specific forums, so none of them lead to a direct link to the OT.

Comont - the OT forums are in the All Forums link in the small top bar, near the bottom of that page.

<@ElectricBrain> TACH IS DEAD! <@Tachyon> am not <@Tachyon> stfu <@ElectricBrain> no u stfu <@Tachyon> no you
<@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> no you <@ElectricBrain> no u <@Tachyon> NO YOU I WIN
-- Our very fine IRC ops --

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 5:51 pm

have you tried system restore? and i thought you could reformat your HD from the BIOS screen? this is an interesting problem, keep us posted

I rule the world incognito!

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:24 pm

I'd be glad to help you, but I need to know the actual name of the virus. You listed Mego-Chuku 3.0, but that's not the name, that's just what pops up. It could easily be a MBR virus and if so there are plenty of tools available that go deep into the computer to rid the virus from your hdd.

Name of virus = ??

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:13 pm

A ran again a variety of VirusScanners and found a HUGE variety of virus names, Mini Oblivion 3.0, found AIMTHEEF, Among some others which were just a series of numbers, not names, those are the 2 it found, but there were about 11-13 copies of each one. Ill try to get the specific names but i doubt ill get anything

And i cannot format my hard drive because of a variety of "sensitive" files i have stored on it. I tried burning them all on a cd and the formatting my hard drive, but my format disk isnt functioning, activating the System Restore OR the Hard Drive Format process takes me to a black screen, after which my monitor goes to Standby and im froze there until i re-plug my monitor and restart my computer.

Edited by - Comont54 on 17-02-2003 21:17:03

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 2:46 pm

Hmmm..I think I got that virus 'again'. But it doesnt seem to give me pop-ups it just gives my ram a ramp to slow it down. I have discovered programs written in C or C++? possibly as a ms-dos icon apperas with names like z8jk24 etc. I delete them but they keep coming back. And I cant run anti-virus programs as they just dont seem to run and close off after a few seconds.

I found a file with anti-virus report saying that my computer had a 'Trojan horse' virus.

So any help much appricated.

FYI you boot your windows from the cd-rom without a back-up floopy. So that can limit the virus spreading to a back-up copy.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 3:25 pm

Sounds a little like the Klez H to me...Antivirus will not detect it. There is a KLEZ removal tool at could give that a run... it will tell you if Klez is on the HD.

When it absolutely, positively needs to be ~~*BOOM*~~`(static)

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:02 pm

You do not EVER need to format a hdd to get rid of a virus. It is an option of course, but never required.

Here's what I found, please review the link below:


There are certain viruses that require the use of a removal tool as mentioned above but you first need to identify the culprit before administering the cure.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:58 pm

Tach, are you referring to "crash?"

If so, you know that you let that go WAY too long. And be honest, you chose to reformat. It was not required. I've got way too many years of experience under my belt to debate this issue and simply do not have the motivation to engage in it. What I say and recommend about computers, however much a person may disagree with the advice, it is sound and stands on it own.

I'm not going to get into splitting hairs, viruses are mean, but properly maintained computer simply do NOT get them...period.

If you have computer and it doesn't have an antivrus program on it with UP TO DATE definitions, then you're at fault for not protecting it properly. If you connect to the internet and you do not have a firewall installed, then you're at fault for not protecting it properly. I can only advise people what they should do, I can not force them to do it.

Please, I make mistakes too, but I've learned from them as well. That's why I feel confident to bring that experience to this table.

Post Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:50 pm

Thanks buddy, 44 files were deleted and 2 needed repair but it was still there. Its a tricky little ficker. But im running a v scan online now.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:55 am

but there are times when the damage is so severe that the operating system and installed programs become generally unusable, to the point where salvaging it would be harder and would cause more problems than just formatting.

Every single bit of this bull hockey would have be completely avoided if a reputable piece of anti-virus software was in place and the definition were actually kept up - to - date.

Whether or not the computer was protected properly or not isn't the question.

youth these days... Tach, give up, you're embarrasssing your generation with this line of debate. Do I need to supply countless, and I do mean countless examples of why you're idea of anti-virus protect theory is completely ludicrous? Don't go blaming a piece of software on someones laziness to keep it properly updated. Pay retail for a piece of software, keep it maintained like you would the oil in a nice jaguar and you'll have very little problems. If people would treat their computers and the software it contains with more care, there would be less need for people like me to make money off your laziness.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 2:01 am

nuff...topic going no where

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