2 dedicated server questions
First and foremost, what are the minimum sys requirements for a dedicated server? I ask because I have an old PII 400mhz system lying around that, apart from the processor, would be up to hosting the game (512MB ram, 20 gig HD, etc). I’d love to use it, but I’m assuming I can’t.
Second, how does the “state” of the server get saved? For example, suppose I host a game for an evening. After shutting down the server, will I be able to restart again later while retaining the “state” the game world is in, or will I be starting over from scratch every time? I’m assuming there’s a way to save, otherwise there’s going to be a lot of angry players when the first server crashes, but since I haven’t seen it specifically mentioned, I thought I’d ask.
Thanks. I look forward to seeing you on the Elite server, and maybe my own