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Can''t connect to my own server...

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:11 am

Can''t connect to my own server...

Hello, I am trying to connect to my own server so me and 3 friends can play on our own server. However, when I go to connect to my server in the Internet or LAN option it will say it is taking longer than expected to connect. And then it will say that the connection failed. Now, I ran FLServer and each time I try to connect my Server Load bar turns red. My friends have not tried to connect as of yet. But was wondering, is it because I am hosting and connecting to the game from the same pc and/or internet connection?

My specs if this helps ( I would imagine I have enough power to host a server(?):

3.4Ghz Intel 4 OC'ed to a little of 4Ghz
1gig ram
Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb
Windows XP Pro
Adelphia Cable

I am not sure what else to add. but if one of your needs more info post on what other info would help. I just wanted to make a small server for a total of like 5 people max. I just can't understand why it has a problem connecting. I could have swarn I used it before for SP when I never really knew about mods ( get rid of campaign ). But, I can't figure it out. Please respond soon

EDIT: ok, after trying a bounch of crap out I finally connected! for 30 seconds /cry

I noticed that ever once and awhile my IP will show as normal. But I will get disconnected then look at the IP on the list of servers. and my IP will have letters thrown in with it? It confuses me. Hope someone can help. I just have to get reseting over and over untill it goes away, get maybe 5min of play in then do it again lol

Edited by - Zickefoose on 3/25/2006 4:56:23 AM

Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:59 am

those letters in your IP say you're running IPv6 on your NIC.

right click on 'my network places', select 'properties'
right click on your network connection, select 'properties'
on the 'general' tab, you should see a list titled 'This connection uses the following items:'
in that list will be something that looks like 'Microsoft TCP/IP v6' - UN-check its box, or even better, uninstall it.
click 'OK'

You should be ready to go after this.

There are EXTREMELY few (if any) instances of IPv6 addresses in use at this time, so it does nothing for you to have it, except cause frustration when trying to connect to your FLServer.

Chris Bates

Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:13 am

Wow! thanks for the fast responce. So far its working, ty!

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