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Top Freelancer Mods

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Post Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:02 am

Top Freelancer Mods

Based on data from the Global Player Rankings, here is some data on how popular certain mods are on Freelancer servers. The top table shows that TNG is the all time most common mod, while the bottom table shows that Evolutions is now slightly more widespread. To see the full list of servers and mods included in this data, click here.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier> All Servers
25 TNG
19 Evolutions
9 FreeWorlds
8 WTS-World
8 No Mods
6 Rebalance
4 Epsilon
3 Victor
2 MassiveAddon
30 Other Mods
122 Total servers

Active Servers
8 Evolutions
7 No Mods
4 FreeWorlds
3 WTS-World
22 Other Mods
51 Total servers

Extra Mods
3 NomadsRevenge
2 DontPanicMod </font></pre>
Cheers, Cryo.

Cryogenius - Author of FLstat v1.4 and the Global Player Rankings

Edited by - Cryogenius on 2/20/2006 3:07:06 AM

Post Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:58 pm

Thanks for the post Cryogenius, always interesting to see how things are going on the FL server scene. Appears that the player numbers/server numbers have dropped somewhat in the last year or so, but good to see a still active range of servers/players out there.

As for that 974 guy on the WTS France with 270,000 kills....

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:30 am

sorry to say this but this list has absolutely no meaning
to say those are the top servers and top mods is kinda stupid because if from 20 servers 19 are mostly empty then it

does not mean that the mod or the server is good
and exactly this is the case
this list is based on the global stats and on the information given there... that those information are not up to

date seems not to be important
many of those servers dont even exist anymore or use different mods

some mods and servers that are VERY successful like FLCE, TT or Crossfire are not even on that list
and just because they only ALLOW 1 or 2 server for their mods (because quality is more important than quantity for

them) it does not mean that they are less successful or not as good as the others

the funny thing is that exactly those mods that are rated high on the list are those that are most buggy, crashing,

and annoying

like i already said, "quantity" does not mean "good" and for sure not "Top" if wrong, old or incomplete information

are taken for such a list

sry but this list has absolutely 0 meaning

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:07 am

Sigh, why is there always someone that takes every post as a personal affront to thier very senses. All the above topic was meant for was to show in 'general' terms where the Freelancer community is and what they are running.

I have to admit, the attack that the servers with the most count on the mods are the buggiest, annoying(very interesting pick of terms there). I have played some of those mods and will admit most are not aligned with my playing style. I also know a few mods work etremely hard to get all the bugs worked out before they release it willy nilly to just have to sent out patches a few weeks later.

In other words, take a chill pill dude and take the topic in its most general terms...

Hunting those above the law.

Protector and cofounder of the Hawk Trading Company found on Hals2003Evoserver.

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:29 am

sorry i was just pointing out that those "Top Mods" are not the "top" and that others that are way better are not even listed here

its just a very subjective list that also could have been created randomly

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:51 am

And besides,ur top server is down to ur own preferance.I personally don't like Evolutions or now (only due to the probs they've had) Tekagi's Treasure,i do however like Crossfire,the DS9 mod and WTS mods.

It's a generalisation here,that's all

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:20 am

sorry i was just pointing out that those "Top Mods" are not the "top" and that others that are way better are not even listed here

its just a very subjective list that also could have been created randomly

Slayer09 - You're opinion is subjective though - so where does that leave us then eh? eh?

Cryo, no matter what you do, you cannot win, please, aid, satisfy or satiate everyone's mind... indeed, it's sad that trying to provide information doesn't bring thanks, only criticism from someones subjective viewpoint (as in it aint your favourites at the top there... who knows, maybe alot of others don't like the mods you like, but love those instead? Even consider that perhaps? - nope, didn't think so).

Edited by - Chips on 2/21/2006 10:40:42 AM

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:50 pm

Oh Dear, scince I really like Evolutions, Epsilon, and Crossfire.... I must really be the oddball here.

Anyways, much thanks to all those who spend hundreds of hours creating these mods which are keepnig the game and comunity alive.

Post Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:46 pm

I'm sorry - perhaps I shouldn't have used the term 'Top'. I merely meant to show which mods were and are in common usage, given a small and admitedly not accurate sample set.

It's good to get those opinions aired though, eh?


Post Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:00 pm

Prepare for Evolutions NRIII

Post Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:52 pm

There also is a really good mod named The Silencer made by BLOOD ASP. Download it from here

Galaxy Ruler

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