Post Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:43 am

General server setup

Hi all.
Im fairly new to the whole freelancer online thing, and i was wondering how i go about setting up a good server, ive downloaded all the ioncross tools found on the official website, and have them all installed on my desktop, i have run a server without ioncross before and it has worked fine - but with ioncross it never really loads and the ioncross software just tells me it is checking server status. To add to that my server appears to be lan only, whereas i want it to be connected to the internet, again im very unsure in this area, so i was wondering if someone had a step by step, fairly simple guide to what i should be doing , and how to correct what im doing wrong. I would be very grateful for any advice, whether it is relevant to this particular topic, or whether it is about organising acounts etc.

Thank you all for your time