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Cannot connect to my server, Internet or LAN

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:22 pm

Cannot connect to my server, Internet or LAN

Hello everyone, I've been looking for 2 days now on how to resolve the issue of connecting to my own server. I have not found 1 solution, just several people reporting the same issue.
My computer specs:
2GB Ram
150GB Hard Drive
ADSL Internet connection with SBC
Windows XP (service pack 2)
DirectX 9.0c
Ports opened on Router: 2300 - 2400, even tried having my computer on DMZ.
Windows XP (sp2) Firewall is Disabled.

Ok... So here's the issue.
-I start up flserver.exe (even tried specifying a port of 2302 or 2303 or 2304, none worked).
-I set it up so flserver.exe is NOT on the internet (no check mark on "Make Your Sever Internet Accessible".
-Hit OK, so it loads up the server. (During the loading of the server I constantly checked the netstat -ano, and saw that mycomputer:2302 (or specified port) was used during the loading of the server. once the server was "supposively" up and running, netstat -ano did not show mycomputer:2302 on the list.
-Start up freelancer.exe, looked on the LAN server list, nothing came up.

So I quit out and tried tried setup the server for the internet.
-I start up flserver.exe (even tried specifying a port of 2302 or 2303 or 2304, none worked).
-I set it up so flserver.exe is on the internet (put a check mark on "Make Your Sever Internet Accessible".
-Hit OK, so it loads up the server. (Same as before: During the loading of the server I constantly checked the netstat -ano, and saw that mycomputer:2302 (or specified port) was used during the loading of the server. once the server was "supposively" up and running, netstat -ano did not show mycomputer:2302 on the list.
-Start up freelancer.exe, and went to the INTERNET server list.
Scrolled and found my server. So I guess some information is getting passed...? I sat on the internet server list until all of the pings came through. My server did not print up a ping, was ???? for about 30-60seconds, then the ???? turned into --.
Then I tried to connect to it, and I got the whole, "Server is taking longer than expected..." line. And eventually got the error message of, Connection could not be established. I also had my bro try to connect to the server, while he was on our LAN via internet, he could not connect.

Please note, I am capable of connecting to other internet servers. Just cannot connect to mine.

I really want to get back into this game. From what I found on the internet several people just say open the ports, but they are open. Other people say to look for TCP ver 6 and remove it, I don't have it. And some say reinstall, which I did.

So since it seemed (at least to me) that this site was the most educated on the game, I thought I'd post something here.

I hope someone actually has a solution...
Thanks for your time,

Post Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:41 am

My only thoughts are:

Make sure your router has Upnp open/on or at least it isnt "disabled"

Also some routers allow you to open ports specifically for game servers "virtual servers" dont know if yours has this ability, if it does, its worth making sure its set up correctly.

Best guess is the first one though

Post Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:25 pm

Yea, my router's UPNP is enabled not sure if it's actually working. Don't trust electronics.

Does anyone else have flserver.exe running on Windows XP (sp2) and is able to connect to it? via Internet / LAN?

Post Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:42 am

Hi There. I had the same exact problem that you are having. After days of exhaustive testing (man I hate computers) and research, I believe that several of the newer routers just don't work with Freelancer. I tried an older router of mine that I ran a server off of a few years back, no problem what so ever. Tried again on new router, nada.
So, here is my work around. I networked the two routers together (as on is a B wireless, the other a G, need the G, but freelancer doesn't work on them, grrr) and disabled DHCP on the 'B' router, and basically just made it into a big hub. What you need to do is plug your server into the hub while the hub is disconnected from the router, start flserver, and wait for it to completly load. Once loaded, plug the hub into the router and you will be able to see both the lan game through the router, as well as connect to it from the internet (as long as your DMZ is properly configured).
Now, make sure you TEST the hub before you do this. IE make sure you plug the server and a workstation into the hub (static addresses work best) and you can see a lan game, seperate from the router and internet.
I hope this works for you, this bypass has been working flawlessly for me for over a week. The server stays on line until you stop flserver.exe, which you must start the process over again.

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