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thinking about trying MP

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:01 pm

thinking about trying MP

so whats multiplayer like? is it just like running around all the systems with those stupid pirates attacking you all the time? cause those battles are really boring... is there any point to it? is it best to build up, join a clan, and have clan battles or something? whats the scoop yo?

Post Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:40 am


One of the interactions on a good RP server are pirates attacking you.
But there is so much more in RP freelancer then that.

All depends on what you wanna be: trader / pirate / mercenary / navy / police / bountyhunter.
You dont have to belong to a clan but a clan can have its advantages.

The basic rule on RP is that you interact with the other human players...

On our Monkey Universe we promote and support any kind of RP...
We even organiose several events to add a constant flow of new rp ...

Recently we got a new clan in called FigtersPL and there RP part is to toll and murder every one...
We have also a blackops clan that rp's as a highly dedicated navy ops team / trading clan that interacts with mercs to get escort and protection / classical pirates / merc clans that can be hired for any purpose

We also have rp events like "find the banana (hide & seek) / auctions for reputation improvement / trading convoys / ...

Tournements will be organised soon for those who are into proving fighting capabilities / other events will follow giving opportunities for trading kind of rp...


Monkey Universe server admin

Info on MONKEY UNIVERSE server

Post Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:56 pm

The MP game is what you make of it, you Could treat it as a single
player game, and just enjoy the MODS (new ships etc). Or you
could take the oportunity to join a clan, take part in team battles
and get a whole new experience from it

I recently registered with colourselite server and ive found it
frighteningly addictive, while they do have 'high level' players
i was suprised at the determination to make new players welcome.

The only problem is two of us in the house want to play and we have only 1 PC
so its a mad rush to the computer ;p

So to answer you MP is only like SP if you want it to be

Post Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:19 pm

There are many types of servers also. I play on one server where I am part of a military clan that has me doing patrols and assignments. Part of an army, we have clan wars and the like. And on another server I play a character that is your basic free wheeling FreeLancer. He wanders, explores, makes money and meets new people. Kinda just going where ever the wanderlust takes him.

You get out of it what you put into it. And find a server that suits you. Also, if you do run into a server that you don't like or you consider bad. Don't give up. Go find another one till you find the one you like.

One more thing. Buy another computer.

Post Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:39 pm

I can think of several reasons:

- It's EASY! Let's face it FL is easy. If you don't know what you're doing (i.e. You didn't play SP) then it will take you a week to get to a high level. If you did play SP it should take you a couple of days. If you are elite it should take you less than 1.5 hrs to make a million. Yes, this is on a plain, vanilla (no mods) server.

- It's free! Well you still have to have an Internet connection but you can even play FL on a modem (just don't expect coherant player versus player fighting interaction).

- Play where the NPC's are more powerful, smarter, better aimers, faster, more agile, meaner, tougher, etc. There are several mods out there, some are minimalist like just server-side mods (like the one on my Boston server) and some are more (like the Epsilon mod on Boston2).

- Player interaction is by far the best part of MP. Depending on the server you could be looking for months or find that special server right off. There are plenty of servers that entice you with cash, ships and other nonsense. The only thing that really matters is playing with a bunch of like-minded individuals. So start looking, there are a lot of servers out there.

- Time must be spent. Whether fighting, chatting in TeamSpeak, hanging out in NY or even in the forums you must spend the time playing (i.e. interfacing). Some extreme examples. Boston3 has been around for 6 months, Boston2 has been around for 7 months, my forums have been around for 19 months, my Boston server for 26 months and myself playing FL 27 months (FL has been out for 28 months, March 2003). No, I didn't play every night (well, close but not EVERY night) but I play more than once a week.

Oh one more thing to Striedes. Your comment to Trev1 to buy another 'puter since he has one 'puter for more than one person? Right on!

SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
Server community website & forum: (server rules)

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