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how Many Can I handle?

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:59 pm

how Many Can I handle?

I'll be running a Freelancer server soon and I was wondering how many players I could handle on the server with a connection of 9mb download and 1mb upload without getting any lag on my side. Just so I know how many I should let on at once.

Post Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:55 am

Need more info for full answer

If your game (client) is playing on the same machine as the server , unfortunatley you are going to get some lag on your side no matter what, depending on the size of your machine and the resources allocated will depend how much.

if your not playing right on the server and it's a decent size 1 gig or better with 512 RAM u should be able to handle at least 20 clients ok, but if their all in the same system dogfighting each other u might have some issues unless you have a larger machine,

I'd recomend going into your advanced settings in your system properties and lockng your virtual memory at 2048 MB

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Post Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:29 pm

Oh I'm not even worried about my pc, it's dual xeon processors and 1gig of memory. It could easily handle more then my Internet Connection could handle.

so with 1mb upstream I could handle about 20 players? Or was that just with the specs you were mentioning?

Oh, and this is just a normal internet gaming server. All my clients connect via there own computers. I have a second pc that I play on via LAN.

Edited by - {FLWA}Resolution on 6/11/2005 1:32:15 PM

Post Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:37 pm

Dual xeon eh! well your laughing u should be able to handle 30-50 no prob

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