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Multi Player Mods

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Post Tue May 31, 2005 2:26 pm

Multi Player Mods

Hi all,

I want to play a little Freelancer with some off my mates in the next time. I havent been around for a while and I am just curious which MOD you could recommend to me,

I would like to get suggestions to the follwong questions:

- Which seems to be the best MOD (lots off new ships and planets to destroy maybe)
- Which server manager do I need to run the MOD?
- Is there a useful and working stats manager?

Thx a lot in advance,


I tried Rebalance 3.40 in between but I had quite a few crashes in betwwen. Which 3.40 updates do I need to install?

My server is an AMD 2.6 Ghz with 1 Gig RAM. I this enough to run a dedicated server for 4-6 players?

Edited by - Homer_Simpson on 5/31/2005 3:27:55 PM

Post Tue May 31, 2005 2:34 pm

you system should be enough.

you might need :
IONCROSS Freelancer Server Operator

as far as mods go...

hope i helped

Post Tue May 31, 2005 10:07 pm

Thanks for your answer NightHound. Which off the TNG mods is the best. I read somewhere that they had some bug probs and they came out with quite a few updates which seems to be quite confusing. Is the latest the best one?

I have never heared about the others. What do you think about the Rebalance mod?

Do I need to use a special mod manager for a certain mod?

Thx again for your help,


Post Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:10 am

TNG 2.7.6 Final is the latest TNG mod.

Post Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:37 am

i like watching them scream as i send a javalin up their tailpipe

Post Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:13 pm

Well the freelancer mod manager handles every mod to my knowledge....

i haven't tryed rebalence as yet...

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