Giving away my secrets but what the heck.
It took 6 months for my server to become popular so overall you need patience. It also takes dedication, like your word that you'll be around a while and will support the server and community diligently. You need to listen to the players (when you get players
) because even though it's your server they can leave at a moment's notice for the most inconsequential of reasons. You need to advertise like crazy but in such a way that players don't think you are just another server sysadmin voice in the wilderness. You need to make friends, not easy when most interactions are just words. Last but possibly the most important you need a unique feature. Could be a name, could be a mod, could be a fantastic website and forum, could be the best hardware and Internet pipe, could be certain players (like clans) playing on the server. Whatever it is you need to spread the word.
Once you get the players, mostly they in turn will draw other players. Still it's a lot of work all the time. Good luck.
SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server
server rules and
server news for more info.