Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 3:37 pm

more problems

plz help agian

in my server there are police and rebels when i get a new member i tell them to make a new char eg {police}loony then i tell then to fly out side then dock then i,ll change there ship .. this is were my problems start

i change the ship to a new order ship 4 the police and a titain 3 rebels then i change the sheilds and engine and thruster to suit .. then i change guns to nomads and money to 15/20 millon . then they fly out and there are banned for ship mods .. this is only just started cause i have allready got 10 police members and 12 rebels and they are fine no booting . but all the new chars do this kick cheat mods why why why ?????????????

help loonyllama

EDIT: No emoticons in subject please.

Edited by - Stinger on 3/6/2004 1:25:14 PM