what i know it's the next;
a wing is mostly a group off the same type off crafts with fly mostly/always in a group.
a squadron is a group off wing and mostly/always the the same type of crafts.
a flight are all squadrons from 1 base. So this 1 doesn't need to be the same type off crafts.
And if i'm right this is for airforce and navy airforce.
so it can be the next;
flight 107
squadron 15
wing 4
pilot 1
this means nothing... but it's only to have groups in groups in groups.
it can be also take otherwhise;
you can see this also as location codes, but i mean, 1 means flight, so their are already 3 bases... and you'r in the 3th. on the base are in the 1st squadron, this doesn't mean that there is only 1 squad on the base...
you have the 5th wing of your squadron, and are wingleader (4-A).
as a pirate clan it's maybe better to use a kind off system like the latest, faster to say and easier to write
but as the wings in a pirate group doesn't have the same crafts, you can do this easier, just base code (1) after that a - and then wingcode (5) and after that again a -, then the pilot code (7), this will lead to the code 01-05-07, this code is easy to know, co'z the code is simply and doesn't need to think about much, co'z it's only a number, but after 2 numbers theirs an -.
if you need backup, you can ask for this code, the pilot who is this number will respond.
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