Post Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:23 am

Elite Angels on Excelcia

Join the Elite Anegls on Excelcia. Now is the time to join. With a new alliance just made and more than 2 people...lolol...The clan is starting to grow. Get the excelcia mod at and download version 1.1c Then play on the excelcia server which is [Excelcia server...and make a character. Talk to Cowboy (me) or Samsun and then you can join the clan. i will tell you how things have been going and everything. Join now if you want to be high in the ranks. Excelcia server is the only server we play on. More RPG then ANY other server right now. Way more then leorics. Leorics is good but excelcia, wow. lol. Join the EA today!

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