Money Amount for new Players
Hi, i just wanted to know what mod or script i need for an issue i've been very upset about. i've been to ALOT of servers that allow players to start with 50k, 500k, or even 1mil credits, when they start new characters. But when i get onto the server and ask the admin, how they did it, they just go.... duh, i dunno. So i was hoping someone at LancersReactor could help me, b/c thats what all the other Players and directing me to. What is the mod that allows you the change the Starting Money for New multiplayer Clients, i've hade a server for almost 2 months and this is the only issue i cant seem to resolve. i have FLMM. and i've checked your mod download page, but i dont know what the name of the mod i need in order to do this. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !