Post Sun Aug 24, 2003 9:22 pm

NEO threads outlawed.

As we all know there are several clans playing their games on the ELITE server. One of them them is the rather infamous clan called NEO (New Empirical Order). They have been accused of cheating, dock-campnig and many more things. If you feel the urge to talk about that, TLR isn't going to be the place to do it anymore. Asof now, all threads about flaming NEO are closed as soon as possible. This because the discussions are not good for TLR's integrity. Our moderators and the administrator are being accused of supporting NEO. Please let it be clear that we don't support NEO in anyway . Let this be clear once and for all. You know, when I got the game, I wanted to join NEO. Because some of my friends were in it and because I thought it was fun to join a clan. But being in a moderastor position it wasn't smart to join in my opinion. So I didn't. Please think of the consequeces when you play the game. Let it be fun to you, and to others.

Anothe issue: Elite is being managed by NEO.
Again, this is not true. I repeat: This is not true . The people in charge of ELITE are Stinger and Akataka (as far as I know). They put alot of money and valuable time in running this server and moderating it. They are not affliated to NEO in anyway. They do not have alter-ego's in NEO, nor on TLR It's very easy, if people will keep complaining about this.. maybe it's time Elite is going to be shut down then. And one of the most popular server is going offline. Would you like to be the cause of this?

To keep The Lancersreactor clean of these threads, I decided that any thread discussing these 2 issues will be locked immediatly.

Below here, you can find the links to the NEO boards to discuss problems there. Aswell as Stinger's emial and Akataka's mail adress to mail them with any questions concerning bans etc.
I'm very sorry I had to type this but i really got fed up with it. There is no possibilty to discuss my decision. This is in everyone's favor.

NEO forum

Atakata's email: [email protected]
Stinger's email: [email protected]

Thank you for your time

-- The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the script kiddies get publically kicked around.

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Edited by - Wizard on 24-08-2003 22:25:38