From Pinger's three boots, I have only seen the first two. I get no more of one or the other. When someone is booted I check their saved game file using FLSO (JoeBoomz' FLServerOperator). A couple of times I noticed the player had played a significant amount of time online (i.e. over an hour). So instead of automatically banning them as I usually do I talk to them next time I see them on the server. Every time it's due to lag. Yes, I am harsh when I see someone booted and I ban them as soon as I can but then the server's email address is available to all. I am reasonable if the player is. I have several reformed cheaters on my server (speed cheats) and I have their promise never again here. Trust has to begin somewhere.
With all that said and what I have seen about "he said, she said" in these very forums, I now keep a list of seen and suspected cheaters. It describes the specific cheat and specific action taken (banned or nothing). I may be "god" on my server but I have to look at myself every once in a while so I try hard to be fair and honest. Currently I am the only person fingering the cheaters as I can stop by the server nearly 4, 5 times a day. Nevertheless I would only take reports of cheating from trustworthy players (i.e. players I know) or my server police (mostly they overlap).
I also do not move their location or change their accounts in any way. It might be an effective deterrant but I just can't be bothered
although it would be funny to be looking over their shoulder as they log on! I just ban and let them make the effort of coming to me. They already owe time to all the server's players (due to lag) and myself (for detecting and banning) for their cheating, let them use their own time to get back in our good graces.
After being around REAL cheaters on other servers, these people are not nice and should never be treated nicely. On the other hand everyone deserves a review of the ban (even if there really wasn't a bannable offense committed), hence the reason for the email address for the server. No banned players are deleted, yet. If they were it would be an inactive delete, like 30 days of inactivity.
I think several sysadmins have used this to air their banning requirements (myself included!) but I think we also answered Hawkloard's question.
SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server