Post Tue Aug 19, 2003 6:55 pm

Creating lag or Crashing Server unintentionaly

Hi all here, i thought about putting this on the editing forum but might be more appropriate here so :
How many People actualy join a pure server with a mod activated in total mistake without turning a mod off, doing it totaly by forgetting.
Please those of you reading this who do want to mod on a pure server just click the back button and carry on your cheating ways.
(nothing will change your such simplistic attitude to life its akin to work something you probably have no concept of)
So for those other people that do mod for their own servers or private servers and all server admins read on.
Having had just such an opposite problem on my own server, ie people simply forgot to turn the mod on, i created a splash screen for the mod, that informs them a mod is activated or not in the game. ie when you get to the FREELANCER splash screen if a mod is activated its says "Be aware a mod is activated dont join pure Servers" if not you have the original splash
This is a simple tactic that reminds a genuine modder that they have a mod activated, of course my splash screen isnt the most beutifull thing in the world and im sure a lot of your Artists could do better. or even personaize it to your mod if you wish.
My point is it would help the odd occasion when you join, and think f**** i have a mod activated as i say this is pointless with cheaters but still.
So how
well in your mod folder under DATA create this directory tree INTERFACE/INTRO/IMAGES
here you need to place a tga image file with the name "startupscreen" note it needs to be in tga format.
So to the point, if all modders added this to there mods, it would reduce the actual genuine mistakes.
Doing it this way makes it compatible with fl mod manager which i think modders most use.
If this is of interest i could create a flmod for download allowing those interested to edit my rubbish tga file and put it in their mod.

Only in Death are we realy sure of anything