Open Letter To Browclops
I want to thank you personally for giving me the chance to experience such an exceptional server. You said in one of your posts on LRF that in a year or so people will have forgotten about your server; it won't be true for me.
It took me a while to write anything about browclops closing because I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it. When I heard the news I was quite busy building 5 characters at the same time on ELITE, riding the motorcycle and other stuff I like to do. So it didn’t hit me right away. Believe it or not I do have a life.
Early this week, as I was floating in very empty space consolidating my characters to see how high of a level I could get on my main character, It hit me, it really hit me hard; Come Aug 01 2003 this place is gone.
So?... it's just a game right?... Yeah but why I'm I feeling so gloomy about this if it's only a game?
Freelancer is the first game I ever tried online, mainly because I'm pushing forty and the idea of getting my ass whooped by a twelve year old wasn't too appealing to me.
The first server I got on was AC2 and shortly after, I discovered yours and what a difference it was. I've been playing for close to a month and a half now; I visited pretty much all the servers with any activity, locked, modded, you name it and I haven't found anything like what you had on Browclops.
There are good servers out there; I spend some time on them. There are great servers out there; I'm usually established on them. And then there was yours, I called it home.
And now, I’m homeless but happy. In a short time I met all sorts of great people and I have great memories. One day I’ll probably talk to my friends and say: “Remember that silly game Freelancer? Did you ever get a chance to play on Browclops? Man that was a great server!”
Thanks again Brow and tell that red headed monkey girl on primus that I wont forget her either.
Lazy Boy
I'm not a complete idiot.
I'm missing parts!