Just a thought here, because I will be starting over soon. My server is going away on the 1st of August. I worked hard on the server I am on. I have about 13 million credits there, two eagles outfitted superbly, and my Dromedary - that can take out an eagle in a single pass. I worked for what I had, but it took forever. On August 1st...I have nothing, zip, zilch, nada. I have a trad route that startup costs are about 500K credits, but it needs to be done asap so I don't get bad reps with the wrong factions. My trade route...by the way....pays me 1.2 million credits per hour, and I play for about 3 - 5 hours at a time. So here is what I am asking. First - a reliable server that doesn't allow cheating or modding, second a loan of 500K that would be repaid within an hour plus 200K in interest. You loan me 500K, I repay 700K.
Anyone feeling like a bank today? email
[email protected] with the server to play on, and your name so I can find you. Thanks!
Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire, defender to the lower ranked and faith, lover of monkies (but not those DAMN DIRTY APES!). God Save Ceasar - or the screamer behind him will! Hail Ceasar!!!