Post Mon Jul 14, 2003 7:22 am

Just for the record

Quote "neo's biggest trash talker is OWL they banned me from ther server uk24/7 cause the admin is a member of the OWL clan and didnt like it cause a fellow member was being called a cheat!!!!!!!!!!!! nice going fella's hope u get loads of users thru this"

I couldnt reply to your argument drexler because the thread got closed but here it is.

1- "neo's biggest trash talker is OWL" We are not related with NEO nor do we have diplomatic relations with neo, in fact OWL is at war with NEO but since we are based on different servers it cant hardly be called a war anymore

2- "they banned me from ther server uk24/7 cause the admin is a member of the OWL clan and didnt like it cause a fellow member was being called a cheat"-
You accused me on cheating with no grounds to substanciate your claims, after explaining to you that it is normal for a player to disapear when he presses f1 and selects new character (and no thats not using the cloacking mod); and it is normal in a pursuit to keep the distance of the 2 ships in the same vector all the time during cruise since both ships get the exact same speed in cruise (and not using a speed hack mod) you persisted in your accusations against me, for cheating, the admin asked you proof, so we waited one hour for your proof (supposedly he claims he recorded the fiction episode on a sony camcorder because we can interfere with printscreens aparently) and you came up with nothing, still you continued with the accusations demanding my ban, so the admin checked my files and logs, and didnt found anything that could substanciate cheating, but then you accused me of "flaming you", since i didnt spoke a word to you other than "leave me alone im with cargo to start up a new clan newbie" it was unlikely i would flame you, and then you claim you had a second camcorder that recorded explicitly the flames. We are not stupid and after being one hour with taking up your fabricated tales and stories and flames we decided to temporarily ban you, and we even gave you this forum adress to read the UK server rules in the server section, UK dedicated server thread and write to us when you were chilled out, so what do you do? You circunvent the ban and come up with "unbanned_drexler" hence violating the rules and granting yourself a permanent ban on the UK server. And as if that wouldnt suffice you come here flaming about us and our credibility; READ THE RULES, "Any reports of cheating should be given to [OWLmidnight or any OWL member online, reports also should be substanciated with credible evidence (pics), dont make any mistake, we do NOT allow witch hunts or false reports"; that provided grounds for the first temporary ban, and "Also banned ppl should mail us to clean up their status instead of bypassing bans so Ban bypass - Permanent ban - personna non gratta status on the server, we dont want ppl to show off how smart they are for bypassing a ban, what we want is for ppl to show recognition for their mistakes and some maturity to deserve a second chance";that provided you a permanent ban on the UK server.

If you have comments/sugestions/complains i sugest you contact:

And please spare this board of further flaming

[email protected] (admin)

[email protected] (midnight)

Have a nice day

Edited by - cams on 14-07-2003 08:26:24