Post Mon Jun 30, 2003 1:45 am

Proteus Bids Farewell

Well, that's it. I said I was leaving soon and I'm making good on my word. I just logged out of SP on Manhattan -- very fitting, Trent's new home -- and the home to many, Alpha Centauri 2, recently disappeared from the server list, last saw me logging out at Buffalo Base; Also very fitting for a true pirate.

Harlequin, if you read this, click the email icon above this post and write me if you still want to try out that other world I mentioned leaving for. It's bigger, it's better and it's got *customer service!*

I just wanted to say goodbye to the community and those few who knew me. I enjoyed my stay and am leaving on good terms. The Sirius sector r0xXoR$, y0. But such things are not meant to last. Other worlds always await.