JOB-ELITE: Frobozz Freight Grand Opening
Looking for short-term contracts as junior/equal/senior partner with fighter escort pilots.
Operating out of Manhattan, the Dromedary might be new but the Captain isn't, he wrote
the manual for the Humpback and just returned from a whirlwind tour of Elite Sirius.
(In a Mule, of all things.)
Terms & Conditions
1. Contracts outside Liberty requires Escort ship of no less than Level 10.
(Or two Escorts with Level 4 - 8 ships)
2. Red Hessians have declared hostility toward Frobozz Freight, so contracts in systems
infested with them require an Escort ship of no less than Level 13. (Or 2 Level 10)
Pilot must be seasoned veteran (Level 20) with hostility towards Red Hessians.
3. Frobozz Freight has a delicately balanced neutrality, so it will not fire upon factions
other than Xenos, Red Hessians, and PKing Freelancers. Your foes are YOUR problem, I ship.
4. Frobozz Freight reserves the right to refuse any contract.
Terms & Conditions subject to change with 24hr. notice on this Job Board
Frobozz Freight. It'll get there.
Edited by - Frobozz on 19-06-2003 21:33:54