Post Thu May 29, 2003 7:24 am

FL Missions - Can more be added?

My copy of FL came from a friend that bought it, played it to the end (didnt take long he reckons) and after some exploration, he lost interest due to the lack of things to do ...

I went MP from the start, and even had a number of long 2p sessions, but there is really only 4 or so types of missions, and the activly involve destroying things.

How involved is it to add new missions? stuff like delivering perishable cargo, or mining for water, escorting transports, search and rescue missions, mapping missions ... theres millions of idea, surely some must comply with the way the game is already written - ie finding and rescuing an escape pod is very similar to having to find and kill a ship that drops one, so it would involve a one ship encounter setting, with an autodestructing ship that just drops a pod into one of those "sensor inhibiting fields" and voila, new mission type ... nothing _reallly_ new was coded as such ... or am I just fooling my bloody self?