Post Mon May 19, 2003 4:31 pm

[insert city name - Lancer Reactor

I'm running a Freelancer server for Salt Lake City.
It is called "Salt Lake City - Lancer Reactor"

My suggestion is that one person from each city be assigned to run a Lancer Reactor for that city.

These are official Lancer Reactor Servers, sanctioned by

For multiple servers per city like Chicago and New York, a region-specific ID could be appended.
For example
"Chicago - Lancer Reactor - Naperville".

You could even apply a connection speed to the name.
"Chicago - Lancer Reactor(T1) - Naperville".
"Chicago - Lancer Reactor(ISDN) - Naperville".
"Chicago - Lancer Reactor(DSL) - Naperville".
"Chicago - Lancer Reactor(56k) - Naperville".

We could establish guidelines for how many players to allow per server based on the type of connection that server is hosting on.

That way, we organize ourselves, in a semi-persistent way, giving players an idea of what server would be best to run on depending on location.

Later on, when certain MODs become mainstream, we could attach the name of the MOD to the server name e.g.
"Chicago - Lancer Reactor(ISDN) - Naperville -MOD(StarWars)".
and in the server descrition, give a message on instructions for downloading and using the mod. e.g.
Server Descrition.
"This server runs the Star Wars mod. You can download the MOD from Please follow instructions carefully when using MODs."

We can establish a true persistent Freelancer universe throughout the United States. Someday a system could be put in place that allows servers to share and update each others character names. Character Name could be assigned by lancersreactor, out Username(e.g. SpaceGhost). So, no matter what server you connect to, you character follows you on a daily or weekly basis.
Ok, this part may be pie-in-the-sky, but it is just an idea.

Come join my server for some cooperative action.


Edited by - spaceghost on 19-05-2003 17:31:45

Edited by - spaceghost on 19-05-2003 17:32:13