Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 10:58 pm

Babylon5 Server x MODs x Elite Server

After playing for hours the Babylon5 server, I bought some ships that are only available for the computer in the original game, as the "Armored Transport Ship" (that is bigger than Humpack and can support up to 500 units of load) and a Battleship.
Before this, I already played in the servers named "Elite", "Alpha Centaury 2" and "= FREELANCER =". Without MOD, it is very fast and easy to get the best ship of the game and 1 or 2 million credit (I normally reach this after play for about 10 hours, once in the beginning I always am a trader and win much money in good routes). This is very easy to be made for a more experienced player, and then, it is game over for me, once i cant evolve my ships beyond this. Normally I go from Starflyer to Clydesdale to Humpack to Titan and there are no better ships to buy.
If we could buy computers ships, that would be a complete diferent history: the "Armored Transport Ship", for example, costs 3.8 million credits, what becomes really accessible only by very experienced traders and makes possible to carry 500 units of cargo, what means more emotion when trading; a "Battleship" cost more than 20 million credits and each one of its accessories costs about 1 million of crefits, what would be a big challenge even to more experienced players to obtain this kind of ship. It would enhance the emotion and life time of the game for these players with the same character.
I also perceived that the simple release of this computer ships for the players would not to intervene with the original gameplay, once the original game characteristics will not be changed (no changes to original ships, ...). This would only add to more ships and weapons, making the game much more cool and diversified.
What Elite and other server administrators think on this?