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SPAM SPAM and then some more nooby SPAM

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Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 4:10 am

SPAM SPAM and then some more nooby SPAM

Freelancer has the ability to use private messages and group chat and even then we still have lots of SPAM. It's bad enough we see every players death and join message and its such a big font and in the wrong place. It's even worse with a bunch of noobs on the chat channel yapping away about nonsense. For you idiots cluttering up the chat channels "WE DONT CARE WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT." Get a life and use the ingame messaging system to talk to your buddy because we don't want to hear it. If your in a group use group chat for christ sakes.

Id like to see a server up with rules about SPAM until Digital Nitwits can put out their own patch and maybe fix up the multiplayer that looks like it was shipped half finished.

Just my opinion...

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:00 am

The spam on FL Is nothing. Sure, we could use a filter/ignore function, but it's not like we NEED it. Most of the time most of the people won't even talk to you if you're in the same system. I'm lucky if I even get a respond for a friendly "hello". It's like they just a bunch of bots who goes up a rank or changes system every few minutes.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:09 am

Well that really is strange because every server I join I seem to land in SPAM land. Wether its someone teaching a new player or just some idiot trying to sound cool I always end up with someone spamming on the system channel. The chat combined with death and join messages fills up the entire screen sometimes in 1024x768. I would love a mute/filter for chat/players. Oddly enough it was the first thing I noticed when I played Freelancer Multiplayer. I mean I dont mind people using the global channel but not to talk about out of game stuff or something that pertains to nobody else but his group mate. That kinda **** pisses me off.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:34 am

i like the chatter its makes me feel like im not playing by myself the text dosent bother me sorry if it bugs all you ppl but unless DA put some kind of ingore function im going to keep chatting

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:41 am

uhhhhh if you wanna be a hermit play single player

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 8:25 am

uhm O_o

is I am not badly mistaken, chat can not fill your screen :p
so who cares ....

it can be still annoying with 3-4 lines of chat, distracting from duell, but well, not really annoying.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 12:53 pm

The server I use is frequented by Team Speak users, so we all use mics and headphones, no text on screen, mind you hearing someone fart is never pleasant :p

It's nice though to see other peoples' chatter. Shame the text couldn't be made slightly smaller.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:14 pm

See what I mean? When there is no reason to spam the global channel dont do it. If you have something to say then say it and be done with it. If you want to chat use the in game messaging system so you don't bother other players. It's really not that hard to do and just being ignorant about it only shows how childish you really are. There are other people playing the game that do not like the spam that is why you can message people. So please use the tools at your disposal and if you see a ship in space hail him and speak directly to him. There is NO reason at all to put that crap in the system channel.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:39 pm

I dont mind the chatting, coz when i'm fighting i dont let anything desturb my lock on the target

Freelancer = A Lifestyle

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:34 pm

I am on a server where almost nobody chats. The silence is really annoying - it is like playing SP on the Internet.

Everybody, please chat some more on the group channel.


Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:02 pm

Noob chat on the servers does not bother me at all. That only happens in Liberty with Manhatton being the buisiest. If you don't like NooB chat, don't go to Liberty space, simple as that. What's worse is going into a system and hearing you complain to the NooBs chatting. Now THAT is annoying. Next time I see that happenening, expect some PKing despite server rules. Noobs are welcome to chat all they want without haveing to listen to you insulting them.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:41 pm

somethimes that is the only way they can learn how to interact with other players, especially if they are playing MP for the first time. Besides, not everyone know how to private chat with another player. That isn't specifically stated anywhere..... Learn as you go.

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